Are you tight on cash? Need money for your daily expenses? How about getting some help from the government? Yes I can hear you saying that the government takes even our last penny then how can it give us some back, I thought the same when I first found out about government grants. But it is true the government is giving away some of the cash to the needy people by way of government grants.
At first I thought it was big scam but after qualifying and receiving two grants from the government I deny that it is a scam. But when thing which proved as an obstacle in getting grant money was what was the correct procedure to apply for grants because I had already been declined twice due to problems in my application. I thought of hiring a professional grant writer and even consulted some but there fees was around couple of hundred bucks for each application and at that time I couldn't afford it. So I got myself a cheap solution and bought an online grants kit. It had all the things which I would get from a professional grant writer like sample applications, grant sources, grant categories etc. You can also go with professional grant writers if you want but they are very expensive as compared to the kit.
So what are you waiting grab your share of grants before they run out. Also always keep in mind you can qualify and receive multiple government grants.
Orignal From: Need Money? Get Help From the Government
What does an audit do?
If a business breaks the rules of accounting and ethics, it can be liable for legal sanctions against it. It can deliberately deceive its investors and lenders with false or misleading numbers in its financial report. That's where audits come in. Audits are one means of keeping misleading financial reporting to a minimum. CPA auditors are like highway patrol officers who enforce traffic laws and issue tickets to keep speeding to a minimum. An audit exam can uncover problems that the business was not aware of.
After completing an audit examination, the CPA prepares a short report stating that the business has prepared its financial statements, according to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), or where it has not. All businesses that are publicly traded are required to have annual audits by independent CPAs. Those companies whose stocks are listed on the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq must be audited by outside CPA firms. For a publicly traded company, the expense of conducting an annual audit is the cost of doing business; it's the price a company pays for going into public markets for its capital and for having its shares traded in the public venue.
Although federal law doesn't require audits for private businesses, banks and other lenders to private businesses may insist on audited financial statements. If the lenders don't require audited statements, a business's owners have to decide whether an audit is a good investment. Instead of an audit, which they can't really afford, many smaller businesses have an outside CPA come in on a regular basis to look over their accounting methods and give advice on their financial reporting. But unless a CPA has done an audit, he or she has to be very careful not to express an opinion of the external financial statements. Without a careful examination of the evidence supporting the amounts reported in the financial statements, the CPA is in no position to give an opinion on the financial statements prepared from the accounts of the business.
Orignal From: What does an audit do?
After completing an audit examination, the CPA prepares a short report stating that the business has prepared its financial statements, according to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), or where it has not. All businesses that are publicly traded are required to have annual audits by independent CPAs. Those companies whose stocks are listed on the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq must be audited by outside CPA firms. For a publicly traded company, the expense of conducting an annual audit is the cost of doing business; it's the price a company pays for going into public markets for its capital and for having its shares traded in the public venue.
Although federal law doesn't require audits for private businesses, banks and other lenders to private businesses may insist on audited financial statements. If the lenders don't require audited statements, a business's owners have to decide whether an audit is a good investment. Instead of an audit, which they can't really afford, many smaller businesses have an outside CPA come in on a regular basis to look over their accounting methods and give advice on their financial reporting. But unless a CPA has done an audit, he or she has to be very careful not to express an opinion of the external financial statements. Without a careful examination of the evidence supporting the amounts reported in the financial statements, the CPA is in no position to give an opinion on the financial statements prepared from the accounts of the business.
Orignal From: What does an audit do?
How Can Credit Score System Works for your Financial Needs?
It is natural for us to resort to credit when we are in great financial need, yet we are running out of cash. Instead of pawning our precious assets in exchange for the amount that we need (which is commonly minus the applied interest), we can apply for different types of loans with convenient terms of payments and affordable interest rates. In addition, there are also instances when the lender provides rebates and other forms of financial incentives to their clients, thus making credit an advantageous alternative when you are in great financial need.
However, there are individuals who do not understand the limitations that must be followed when resorting to credit. Since credit allows them to make purchases in the absence of cash, they tend to spend more than what they can afford to pay later on, thus resulting to piles of debt at the end of the billing period. Though credit limit is strictly enforced, there are individuals who manage to slip away from their credit limits, thus they are acquiring more debts until the time comes that they cannot repay such debts anymore.
It is important that you are aware of your limitations when you avail of credit when making purchases or payments, especially with regards to their credit score system. There are many individuals who are practically ignorant of what credit score system is. As a matter of fact, they do not even know what credit score is and how it works. The credit score system has already been in effect for quite some time now, and many lenders use this as one of the basis to determine whether your loan application is accepted or rejected.
How can credit score system works for your financial needs? To start with, let us define first what credit score is, and understand the system itself as a whole. Keep in mind that it is a vital report that you must be aware of—that is, if you want to have your loan application to be accepted.
Credit score is a statistical manner of assessing the credit worthiness of a borrower. It possesses every inch of information about your credit experiences—your loan paying history, the accounts that you own, the age of each accounts, late payments that you have made prior to your latest loan application (if there is any), and existing outstanding debts that you failed to pay (if there is any).
The credit score system works through a statistical method which is used to make comparison of your credit profile with other borrowers with similar profiles. Points would be awarded for every factor that manifests debt repayment. These points will be summed up, and it will tell how likely you will be able to make the payments when it is on due. This will now be your credit score—a three digit number.
Each time you will borrow or use credit for purchases or payments, you will get a credit score which shows how you managed your past credits. Lenders rely on credit scoring system that gives grades to your credit performance. For instance, once you have an excellent credit performance on your previous loans, you will be able to attain a credit score of 600 or above. In case your credit rating is ranging from 500 to 535, expect that you will experience difficulties of securing loans with affordable interest payments.
Your score is recorded in your credit report, which is managed by credit reporting agencies such as Equifax and Trans Union. Your credit report is divided into four major sections, which is the following:
• Personal history;
• Identifying information;
• Inquiries; and
• Public records.
A good credit score needs continuous hard work. Thus, it is important that you understand what you are dealing with to avoid complications later on. Keep in mind that it is your limitation in terms of using credit—and you are bounded to stick with it. Or else, suffer the adverse consequences.
Orignal From: How Can Credit Score System Works for your Financial Needs?
However, there are individuals who do not understand the limitations that must be followed when resorting to credit. Since credit allows them to make purchases in the absence of cash, they tend to spend more than what they can afford to pay later on, thus resulting to piles of debt at the end of the billing period. Though credit limit is strictly enforced, there are individuals who manage to slip away from their credit limits, thus they are acquiring more debts until the time comes that they cannot repay such debts anymore.
It is important that you are aware of your limitations when you avail of credit when making purchases or payments, especially with regards to their credit score system. There are many individuals who are practically ignorant of what credit score system is. As a matter of fact, they do not even know what credit score is and how it works. The credit score system has already been in effect for quite some time now, and many lenders use this as one of the basis to determine whether your loan application is accepted or rejected.
How can credit score system works for your financial needs? To start with, let us define first what credit score is, and understand the system itself as a whole. Keep in mind that it is a vital report that you must be aware of—that is, if you want to have your loan application to be accepted.
Credit score is a statistical manner of assessing the credit worthiness of a borrower. It possesses every inch of information about your credit experiences—your loan paying history, the accounts that you own, the age of each accounts, late payments that you have made prior to your latest loan application (if there is any), and existing outstanding debts that you failed to pay (if there is any).
The credit score system works through a statistical method which is used to make comparison of your credit profile with other borrowers with similar profiles. Points would be awarded for every factor that manifests debt repayment. These points will be summed up, and it will tell how likely you will be able to make the payments when it is on due. This will now be your credit score—a three digit number.
Each time you will borrow or use credit for purchases or payments, you will get a credit score which shows how you managed your past credits. Lenders rely on credit scoring system that gives grades to your credit performance. For instance, once you have an excellent credit performance on your previous loans, you will be able to attain a credit score of 600 or above. In case your credit rating is ranging from 500 to 535, expect that you will experience difficulties of securing loans with affordable interest payments.
Your score is recorded in your credit report, which is managed by credit reporting agencies such as Equifax and Trans Union. Your credit report is divided into four major sections, which is the following:
• Personal history;
• Identifying information;
• Inquiries; and
• Public records.
A good credit score needs continuous hard work. Thus, it is important that you understand what you are dealing with to avoid complications later on. Keep in mind that it is your limitation in terms of using credit—and you are bounded to stick with it. Or else, suffer the adverse consequences.
Orignal From: How Can Credit Score System Works for your Financial Needs?
London G20 Pre-Summit Meeting Bonuses Bashed and Capital Reqs Increased
The G20 Finance Ministers met for two days in the preamble to the main G20 Summit held in Pittsburgh on the 24th and 25th September.
Three main themes emerged from the meeting:
there is considerable disunity on how to deal with bonuses;
broad consensus that capital requirements need to be increased;
and there is agreement on a regulatory framework.
Not really so much of a surprise there though the battle-lines with bonuses does seem somewhat odd on first glance.
The two camps which have emerged include the UK and US, who view bonuses as a "not-so-serious" issue (one EU representative went as far as claiming the US treats bonuses as a "non-subject" - off the record of course). Facing them are at least 7 of the G20 nations led by Germany and France but also including Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain and Italy (with Sweden joining them over the weekend) and who are adamant that returning bonuses being paid by banks who received bail-out funds is "a provocation in the face of rampant rising unemployment."
Do depositors and investors stay awake at night worrying over how much bankers are paid or whether they still have an investment when they wake up next morning?
The bonus and pay issue is simple and easy to grasp - it's political and an easy-win for those looking to engender support at grass roots levels so why are bonuses proving to be such an issue?
I feel the real reason is because the UK and US are very heavily backing an increase in capitalisation requirements and France and Germany have a banking sector which is unlikely to be able to meet those new standards.
In this light, bonuses are a weak reed which are perceived to be a big stick by the ordinary punters back home for Messrs. Sarkozy and Merkel.
This brings us neatly to the consensus on the regulatory framwork which stops short of limiting bonuses but leaves the door open for regulators having a say on pay levels.
Too Big To Fail - large and complex institutions must develop "living wills" in the event they are compelled to "unwind" and break-up into smaller units;
Capitalisation ? once the crisis is past, banks will need to raise more money; and
Repackaged Loans - a portion of repackaged loans must be retained by the banks which they sell on as asset-backed loans.
"minor" point - the government stimulus packages are going to remain in situ until the economic environment achieves some semblance of normality though what that is no-one knows anymore.
Orignal From: London G20 Pre-Summit Meeting Bonuses Bashed and Capital Reqs Increased
Three main themes emerged from the meeting:
there is considerable disunity on how to deal with bonuses;
broad consensus that capital requirements need to be increased;
and there is agreement on a regulatory framework.
Not really so much of a surprise there though the battle-lines with bonuses does seem somewhat odd on first glance.
The two camps which have emerged include the UK and US, who view bonuses as a "not-so-serious" issue (one EU representative went as far as claiming the US treats bonuses as a "non-subject" - off the record of course). Facing them are at least 7 of the G20 nations led by Germany and France but also including Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain and Italy (with Sweden joining them over the weekend) and who are adamant that returning bonuses being paid by banks who received bail-out funds is "a provocation in the face of rampant rising unemployment."
Do depositors and investors stay awake at night worrying over how much bankers are paid or whether they still have an investment when they wake up next morning?
The bonus and pay issue is simple and easy to grasp - it's political and an easy-win for those looking to engender support at grass roots levels so why are bonuses proving to be such an issue?
I feel the real reason is because the UK and US are very heavily backing an increase in capitalisation requirements and France and Germany have a banking sector which is unlikely to be able to meet those new standards.
In this light, bonuses are a weak reed which are perceived to be a big stick by the ordinary punters back home for Messrs. Sarkozy and Merkel.
This brings us neatly to the consensus on the regulatory framwork which stops short of limiting bonuses but leaves the door open for regulators having a say on pay levels.
Too Big To Fail - large and complex institutions must develop "living wills" in the event they are compelled to "unwind" and break-up into smaller units;
Capitalisation ? once the crisis is past, banks will need to raise more money; and
Repackaged Loans - a portion of repackaged loans must be retained by the banks which they sell on as asset-backed loans.
"minor" point - the government stimulus packages are going to remain in situ until the economic environment achieves some semblance of normality though what that is no-one knows anymore.
Orignal From: London G20 Pre-Summit Meeting Bonuses Bashed and Capital Reqs Increased
Factoring Government Invoices and Getting Paid in Days Rather Than Months
Factoring government invoices gives businesses an opportunity to get paid in days rather then months. Being able to land a government contract, whether large or small, can be a big coup.
The government is generally a very reliable customer with a good deal of money to spend. Because of this, it is fairly easy to get paid upfront for a government jobs by selling the contract invoice (receivables) to a Factor. Factors will purchase the contract invoices of companies who have customers with good credit. Most government agencies will qualify.
One problem with alternative sources of financing (those besides invoice factoring) is that it can take some time before a business is able to get money. For example, if a company wanted to apply for a loan, they would have to gather all of the necessary paper work, fill out the loan applications and then wait for the banks decision.
This could take some time and all the while, the company has to come up with ways to continue to fund its operations and keep things going. If they need money right away, waiting could be disastrous. Invoice factoring can shorten this process a great deal. It is possible for businesses to receive cash by factoring their government invoices in a matter of days rather then the weeks or months it would take to apply for and receive a loan.
There are several disadvantages to taking out a loan in order to raise capital for a business, amongst them is time. There are times when a business needs money right away. They simply can't wait. Things may have gotten so dire that without a quick infusion of cash, a company will have to close their doors. If they have a contract to provide services or products to the government, they have an opportunity to generate cash right away by selling them to a factor. When a factor purchases government invoices, they will pay for them upfront.
As a result, the company does not have to wait until after they have completed the job before they are paid. Now, a company won't get full value for the invoices. Instead, they are purchased at a discount, though they will get the remaining amount of the invoice eventually, after the factors collects on it, minus a free charged by the Factor.
Government contracts, especially big ones, may require large amounts of capital. Even if the job isn't a big one, if a business does not have cash on hand, it can be difficult for them to fund the operations. This is because they will have to pay for personnel to complete the work as well as pay fixed expenses.
Waiting until the job is completed and the government has paid, simply may not be an option a business can afford. Invoice factoring can be a great help. It is possible for businesses to have money in days to cover all of the aforementioned expenses. This allows them to fulfill their contract and pay their bills, all without taking out a loan.
Paragon Financial is a full service factoring company. Factor your receivables and improve cash flow without additional debt with our experts in invoice financing, po funding, and accounts receivable factoring.
Orignal From: Factoring Government Invoices and Getting Paid in Days Rather Than Months
The government is generally a very reliable customer with a good deal of money to spend. Because of this, it is fairly easy to get paid upfront for a government jobs by selling the contract invoice (receivables) to a Factor. Factors will purchase the contract invoices of companies who have customers with good credit. Most government agencies will qualify.
One problem with alternative sources of financing (those besides invoice factoring) is that it can take some time before a business is able to get money. For example, if a company wanted to apply for a loan, they would have to gather all of the necessary paper work, fill out the loan applications and then wait for the banks decision.
This could take some time and all the while, the company has to come up with ways to continue to fund its operations and keep things going. If they need money right away, waiting could be disastrous. Invoice factoring can shorten this process a great deal. It is possible for businesses to receive cash by factoring their government invoices in a matter of days rather then the weeks or months it would take to apply for and receive a loan.
There are several disadvantages to taking out a loan in order to raise capital for a business, amongst them is time. There are times when a business needs money right away. They simply can't wait. Things may have gotten so dire that without a quick infusion of cash, a company will have to close their doors. If they have a contract to provide services or products to the government, they have an opportunity to generate cash right away by selling them to a factor. When a factor purchases government invoices, they will pay for them upfront.
As a result, the company does not have to wait until after they have completed the job before they are paid. Now, a company won't get full value for the invoices. Instead, they are purchased at a discount, though they will get the remaining amount of the invoice eventually, after the factors collects on it, minus a free charged by the Factor.
Government contracts, especially big ones, may require large amounts of capital. Even if the job isn't a big one, if a business does not have cash on hand, it can be difficult for them to fund the operations. This is because they will have to pay for personnel to complete the work as well as pay fixed expenses.
Waiting until the job is completed and the government has paid, simply may not be an option a business can afford. Invoice factoring can be a great help. It is possible for businesses to have money in days to cover all of the aforementioned expenses. This allows them to fulfill their contract and pay their bills, all without taking out a loan.
Paragon Financial is a full service factoring company. Factor your receivables and improve cash flow without additional debt with our experts in invoice financing, po funding, and accounts receivable factoring.
Orignal From: Factoring Government Invoices and Getting Paid in Days Rather Than Months
Using lease calculators
Want to calculate your monthly lease payment? Consider using a lease
If you are considering a car lease, then you might want to know some key
figures involved in the deal: the monthly lease payments, the overall cost
of the lease and how much savings can be made compared to purchasing the
A lease calculator relieves you from the stress of having to know the
complex underlying lease formulae used in calculations. You simply plug a
number of figures into the calculator and hey presto! You get a detailed
rundown of detailed payments, taxes and total lease costs.
Figures you need to get from your dealer about a specific lease you're
interested in include: capitalized cost, estimated residual value at the
end of the lease, the number of months in your lease and the money factor.
Make assumptions and change some of the figures to see how it affects your
lease payments. For instance, residual value is an "estimated" value of what
the vehicle will be worth at the end of the lease. You can input different
estimates to cover different scenarios and assumptions.
As a final note of caution, bear in mind that lease calculators only do
calculations and check the accuracy of abstract mathematical formulae. They do not tell you whether a lease is good or bad.
Orignal From: Using lease calculators
If you are considering a car lease, then you might want to know some key
figures involved in the deal: the monthly lease payments, the overall cost
of the lease and how much savings can be made compared to purchasing the
A lease calculator relieves you from the stress of having to know the
complex underlying lease formulae used in calculations. You simply plug a
number of figures into the calculator and hey presto! You get a detailed
rundown of detailed payments, taxes and total lease costs.
Figures you need to get from your dealer about a specific lease you're
interested in include: capitalized cost, estimated residual value at the
end of the lease, the number of months in your lease and the money factor.
Make assumptions and change some of the figures to see how it affects your
lease payments. For instance, residual value is an "estimated" value of what
the vehicle will be worth at the end of the lease. You can input different
estimates to cover different scenarios and assumptions.
As a final note of caution, bear in mind that lease calculators only do
calculations and check the accuracy of abstract mathematical formulae. They do not tell you whether a lease is good or bad.
Orignal From: Using lease calculators
Credit Offerings For Hybrid Cars
If you have just bought another hybrid car this year, you might be in for a big headache. In fact, after you read this article, you would probably be berating yourself for having done so. The very expensive hybrid cars now comes with bigger headaches -- in the form of regulated tax credits.
Beginning January 1, this year, owners and buyers of several latest models of hybrid cars would be imposed hefty tax credits. Those credits will vary a lot. Several of the hybrid vehicles available in the market will still not be entitled to any tax credit at all.
What exactly is a tax credit?
The term refers to the dollar amount or tax imposed on certain hybrid car models. The tax credits vary from one hybrid model to another, sometimes depending on the unit's overall functionality and the popularity.
New hybrid car buyers at this point are already scratching their heads, thinking about the mess they would be entering. And they have enough reasons to take anti-depressant pills.
The new tax credit for hybrid cars in the United States is part of an energy legislation forged and ratified into a full fledged law.
The new rules are set to encourage consumers into buying green vehicles, or the so called hybrid cars, which are not only gasoline efficient but also environmentally friendly.
But, problems and discrepancies come in when the changes or modifications from the old tax breaks systems for traditional gas-powered cars are altered or modified for certain hybrid cars models.
Tracking the numbers
The problems and frustrations drivers and hybrid car owners encounter in the latest wave of tax credit grants are arising from the computations of the tax credit system.
These computations are not that simple and are made morecomplicated by the two important components. The first component is the fuel economy rating. This is where most of the problems arise when calculating taxes on hybrid cars.
This is because most of the hybrid cars available in the market today fail on fuel economy ratings, which are required by the federal government before the hybrid car is qualified for a tax credit. When this happens, the effort to reduce the tax imposition for hybrid cars, and eventually entice car buyers into buying them, turns into a futile and worthless initiative.
The other component of the tax credit computation is the 'conservation credit.?The conservation tax credit is based on the hybrid car model's projected and computed fuel savings on its entire life span.
In this aspect, almost all the hybrid car models available in the market today are also failing. Thus, it is certain that if you are a hybrid car this year, there is a lesser chance for you to be able to secure tax credits or tax savings.
Computing and considering the tax savings you could probably save if your hybrid car is qualified for a tax credit would certainly make you regret facing the tax system. For sure, you would have the sentiment that it could have been better if the tax credit is simply not offered at all.
List of hybrid cars on the tax credit system
To be able to get a complete and accurate listing of the new hybrid car models that are qualified to secure tax credits, visit the online site of the US Treasury.
The site can be accessed at If you recently purchased a hybrid car, or are planning to buy one, check if your hybrid car model is qualified for hefty tax credits. You'll be thankful in the end.
Orignal From: Credit Offerings For Hybrid Cars
Beginning January 1, this year, owners and buyers of several latest models of hybrid cars would be imposed hefty tax credits. Those credits will vary a lot. Several of the hybrid vehicles available in the market will still not be entitled to any tax credit at all.
What exactly is a tax credit?
The term refers to the dollar amount or tax imposed on certain hybrid car models. The tax credits vary from one hybrid model to another, sometimes depending on the unit's overall functionality and the popularity.
New hybrid car buyers at this point are already scratching their heads, thinking about the mess they would be entering. And they have enough reasons to take anti-depressant pills.
The new tax credit for hybrid cars in the United States is part of an energy legislation forged and ratified into a full fledged law.
The new rules are set to encourage consumers into buying green vehicles, or the so called hybrid cars, which are not only gasoline efficient but also environmentally friendly.
But, problems and discrepancies come in when the changes or modifications from the old tax breaks systems for traditional gas-powered cars are altered or modified for certain hybrid cars models.
Tracking the numbers
The problems and frustrations drivers and hybrid car owners encounter in the latest wave of tax credit grants are arising from the computations of the tax credit system.
These computations are not that simple and are made morecomplicated by the two important components. The first component is the fuel economy rating. This is where most of the problems arise when calculating taxes on hybrid cars.
This is because most of the hybrid cars available in the market today fail on fuel economy ratings, which are required by the federal government before the hybrid car is qualified for a tax credit. When this happens, the effort to reduce the tax imposition for hybrid cars, and eventually entice car buyers into buying them, turns into a futile and worthless initiative.
The other component of the tax credit computation is the 'conservation credit.?The conservation tax credit is based on the hybrid car model's projected and computed fuel savings on its entire life span.
In this aspect, almost all the hybrid car models available in the market today are also failing. Thus, it is certain that if you are a hybrid car this year, there is a lesser chance for you to be able to secure tax credits or tax savings.
Computing and considering the tax savings you could probably save if your hybrid car is qualified for a tax credit would certainly make you regret facing the tax system. For sure, you would have the sentiment that it could have been better if the tax credit is simply not offered at all.
List of hybrid cars on the tax credit system
To be able to get a complete and accurate listing of the new hybrid car models that are qualified to secure tax credits, visit the online site of the US Treasury.
The site can be accessed at If you recently purchased a hybrid car, or are planning to buy one, check if your hybrid car model is qualified for hefty tax credits. You'll be thankful in the end.
Orignal From: Credit Offerings For Hybrid Cars
What Car Insurance Coverage Do You Really Need? And buying A Fuel-Efficient Car
There are six types of auto insurance coverage that a car insurance company may offer today. The most basic type is liability coverage, which protects you if you are at fault in an accident. Generally, you are able to opt for liability only coverage, when you own your vehicle outright. If the car is financed, the lender as well as the insurance company will most likely require you to have full coverage. A full coverage policy generally includes six types of coverage. And here lies the basic difference between car insurance and the best car insurance.
Property Damage Liability: This pays for the damage to someone else's property caused by your car, irrespective of the fact whether you are driving it or someone else is driving it with your permission. This coverage can be available as cheap auto insurance that includes damage to other types of property, both private and public, such as fences, guardrails, telephone poles, homes or other buildings, or any other structures your car may have damaged.
Bodily Injury Liability: This covers injuries, caused to someone else either by the policy holder or any other family member included on the policy. It also applies whether the injury is caused when you are driving your vehicle or you are driving someone else's vehicle with the owner's permission.
Comprehensive cover: With this car insurance coverage, you will be repaid if your car is stolen or if it is damaged by something except for an accident with another car. Natural disasters like tornadoes or earthquakes, hail, falling objects, vandalism, fire, or colliding with animals, which also can cause damage to your car, are included in this coverage. Comprehensive coverage normally carries a deductible of $100 to $300.
Collision: This insurance coverage pays if your vehicle is damaged as a result of collision with another car or object. It also covers the damages caused by potholes. If you are at fault in an accident, this coverage will pay for the cost of repairing your vehicle, minus the deductible. This insurance cover usually comes with a deductible of $250 to $1,000.
Medical Payments or Personal Injury Protection (PIP): This insurance coverage ensures treatments if you or any passengers in your vehicle are injured in an accident. In some cases, PIP bear further medical costs such as rehabilitation, and costs related to injuries such as lost wages and even funeral costs.
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage: If you are involved in an accident caused by an uninsured or hit-and-run driver, this insurance coverage will repay you for damage to your vehicle. Make sure to compare auto insurance rates to get affordable car insurance!
Whether you buy a new or used vehicle, fuel efficiency--good gas mileage--is high on the list of most buyers' concerns. The difference between choosing a fuel-efficient car or one that guzzles gas, will either save or cost you money over the life of the vehicle, which could be substantial. Fuel efficiency varies widely from one car to the next. Obviously you can check the EPA rating for city/highway MPG on the window sticker, although most of us know the average car never reaches those numbers.
You can also check consumer guides, car magazines and Web sites, Web site forums or ask friends, relatives and co-workers which vehicles they recommend as fuel-efficient cars. Don't buy more car than you need, as larger vehicles generally have bigger engines that are less fuel-efficient. Find the most fuel-efficient car in the size group you're interested in, whether a two-seater, compact, mid-sized, SUV or pickup truck. There are several online sites where you can compare fuel consumption ratings of any car.
Your choice of transmission can also affect the fuel efficiency of the vehicle. Generally, a car with manual transmission is a more fuel-efficient car than one with automatic-assuming you shift properly. And a manual with overdrive, tachometer or shift indicator is the biggest fuel saver, saving up to 10% on fuel costs. If you do buy an automatic, which makes more sense for larger cars, the more gears the better.
Under normal driving conditions, smaller engines offer better fuel efficiency and economy than larger ones. All other things being equal, the larger engine and the more cylinders it has, the more fuel it consumes. Additionally, cars with smaller engines usually cost less and gas costs are lower because you don't need higher octane gas. That doesn't mean a bigger engine is never a good choice. In some cases, a larger, more powerful engine may provide the greater fuel efficiency. If you use your vehicle for work or often tow heavy loads, a smaller engine could burn more fuel if it has to work too hard and function beyond its most fuel-efficient range.
Depending on the type and size of motor vehicle you purchase, you may have the choice of front-wheel, rear-wheel, four-wheel or all-wheel drive. The majority of passenger cars and minivans have front-wheel drive, a design that supplies better traction and more interior room than rear-wheel drive. Although front-wheel drive was originally adopted to improve fuel economy over rear-wheel drive by reducing the weight and size of cars without giving up driving performance or interior space, there's really not much difference in fuel efficiency between the two.
And although four-wheel and all-wheel drive provide better traction and braking in certain driving conditions, the weight and friction of the additional drivetrain parts may increase fuel consumption by up to 10% over a two-wheel drive vehicle. Most often in SUVs and pickup trucks, four-wheel drive is enabled at will by the driver when additional traction is necessary. All-wheel drive is an option on some SUVs and a minority of passenger cars. Full-time all-wheel drive, however, makes for the least fuel-efficient car, because all four wheels are always being driven, drawing power from the engine and thus using more gas.
Another way to be a fuel saver, is by limiting the options you select for your car. You may not have realized that many conveniences from power windows, seats and mirrors to air conditioning and seat warmers decrease fuel efficiency and cost you more in fuel consumption. They add either weight, increase aerodynamic drag or pull extra power from the engine or through the alternator. Aluminium wheels are one of the few options that actually reduce weight and thereby increase fuel efficiency.
Obviously, considering other fuel options such as a hybrid electric car, is another choice for a fuel-efficient car.
About the Author
Andrea Susan Glass, founder of WritersWay and All About Hybrid Cars, helps clients reach their writing and marketing goals with effective articles, press releases, newsletters, Web site copy, eBooks and books. An award-winning author for "Street Smart Secrets to Auto Care You Can Trust," she has written books, eBooks and articles on subjects ranging from animals and auto repair to singles and spirituality.
Written by: Andrea Susan Glass
Orignal From: What Car Insurance Coverage Do You Really Need? And buying A Fuel-Efficient Car
Property Damage Liability: This pays for the damage to someone else's property caused by your car, irrespective of the fact whether you are driving it or someone else is driving it with your permission. This coverage can be available as cheap auto insurance that includes damage to other types of property, both private and public, such as fences, guardrails, telephone poles, homes or other buildings, or any other structures your car may have damaged.
Bodily Injury Liability: This covers injuries, caused to someone else either by the policy holder or any other family member included on the policy. It also applies whether the injury is caused when you are driving your vehicle or you are driving someone else's vehicle with the owner's permission.
Comprehensive cover: With this car insurance coverage, you will be repaid if your car is stolen or if it is damaged by something except for an accident with another car. Natural disasters like tornadoes or earthquakes, hail, falling objects, vandalism, fire, or colliding with animals, which also can cause damage to your car, are included in this coverage. Comprehensive coverage normally carries a deductible of $100 to $300.
Collision: This insurance coverage pays if your vehicle is damaged as a result of collision with another car or object. It also covers the damages caused by potholes. If you are at fault in an accident, this coverage will pay for the cost of repairing your vehicle, minus the deductible. This insurance cover usually comes with a deductible of $250 to $1,000.
Medical Payments or Personal Injury Protection (PIP): This insurance coverage ensures treatments if you or any passengers in your vehicle are injured in an accident. In some cases, PIP bear further medical costs such as rehabilitation, and costs related to injuries such as lost wages and even funeral costs.
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage: If you are involved in an accident caused by an uninsured or hit-and-run driver, this insurance coverage will repay you for damage to your vehicle. Make sure to compare auto insurance rates to get affordable car insurance!
Whether you buy a new or used vehicle, fuel efficiency--good gas mileage--is high on the list of most buyers' concerns. The difference between choosing a fuel-efficient car or one that guzzles gas, will either save or cost you money over the life of the vehicle, which could be substantial. Fuel efficiency varies widely from one car to the next. Obviously you can check the EPA rating for city/highway MPG on the window sticker, although most of us know the average car never reaches those numbers.
You can also check consumer guides, car magazines and Web sites, Web site forums or ask friends, relatives and co-workers which vehicles they recommend as fuel-efficient cars. Don't buy more car than you need, as larger vehicles generally have bigger engines that are less fuel-efficient. Find the most fuel-efficient car in the size group you're interested in, whether a two-seater, compact, mid-sized, SUV or pickup truck. There are several online sites where you can compare fuel consumption ratings of any car.
Your choice of transmission can also affect the fuel efficiency of the vehicle. Generally, a car with manual transmission is a more fuel-efficient car than one with automatic-assuming you shift properly. And a manual with overdrive, tachometer or shift indicator is the biggest fuel saver, saving up to 10% on fuel costs. If you do buy an automatic, which makes more sense for larger cars, the more gears the better.
Under normal driving conditions, smaller engines offer better fuel efficiency and economy than larger ones. All other things being equal, the larger engine and the more cylinders it has, the more fuel it consumes. Additionally, cars with smaller engines usually cost less and gas costs are lower because you don't need higher octane gas. That doesn't mean a bigger engine is never a good choice. In some cases, a larger, more powerful engine may provide the greater fuel efficiency. If you use your vehicle for work or often tow heavy loads, a smaller engine could burn more fuel if it has to work too hard and function beyond its most fuel-efficient range.
Depending on the type and size of motor vehicle you purchase, you may have the choice of front-wheel, rear-wheel, four-wheel or all-wheel drive. The majority of passenger cars and minivans have front-wheel drive, a design that supplies better traction and more interior room than rear-wheel drive. Although front-wheel drive was originally adopted to improve fuel economy over rear-wheel drive by reducing the weight and size of cars without giving up driving performance or interior space, there's really not much difference in fuel efficiency between the two.
And although four-wheel and all-wheel drive provide better traction and braking in certain driving conditions, the weight and friction of the additional drivetrain parts may increase fuel consumption by up to 10% over a two-wheel drive vehicle. Most often in SUVs and pickup trucks, four-wheel drive is enabled at will by the driver when additional traction is necessary. All-wheel drive is an option on some SUVs and a minority of passenger cars. Full-time all-wheel drive, however, makes for the least fuel-efficient car, because all four wheels are always being driven, drawing power from the engine and thus using more gas.
Another way to be a fuel saver, is by limiting the options you select for your car. You may not have realized that many conveniences from power windows, seats and mirrors to air conditioning and seat warmers decrease fuel efficiency and cost you more in fuel consumption. They add either weight, increase aerodynamic drag or pull extra power from the engine or through the alternator. Aluminium wheels are one of the few options that actually reduce weight and thereby increase fuel efficiency.
Obviously, considering other fuel options such as a hybrid electric car, is another choice for a fuel-efficient car.
About the Author
Andrea Susan Glass, founder of WritersWay and All About Hybrid Cars, helps clients reach their writing and marketing goals with effective articles, press releases, newsletters, Web site copy, eBooks and books. An award-winning author for "Street Smart Secrets to Auto Care You Can Trust," she has written books, eBooks and articles on subjects ranging from animals and auto repair to singles and spirituality.
Written by: Andrea Susan Glass
Orignal From: What Car Insurance Coverage Do You Really Need? And buying A Fuel-Efficient Car
Avoiding Impulse Spending
Answer these questions truthfully:
1.) Does your spouse or partner complain that you spend too much money?
2.) Are you surprised each month when your credit card bill arrives at how much more you charged than you thought you had?
3.) Do you have more shoes and clothes in your closet than you could ever possibly wear?
4.) Do you own every new gadget before it has time to collect dust on a retailer's shelf?
5.) Do you buy things you didn't know you wanted until you saw them on display in a store?
If you answered "yes?to any two of the above questions, you are an impulse spender and indulge yourself in retail therapy.
This is not a good thing. It will prevent you from saving for the important things like a house, a new car, a vacation or retirement. You must set some financial goals and resist spending money on items that really don't matter in the long run.
Impulse spending will not only put a strain on your finances but your relationships, as well. To overcome the problem, the first thing to do is learn to separate your needs from your wants.
Advertisers blitz us hawking their products at us 24/7. The trick is to give yourself a cooling-off period before you buy anything that you have not planned for.
When you go shopping, make a list and take only enough cash to pay for what you have planned to buy. Leave your credit cards at home.
If you see something you think you really need, give yourself two weeks to decide if it is really something you need or something you can easily do without. By following this simple solution, you will mend your financial fences and your relationships.
Orignal From: Avoiding Impulse Spending
1.) Does your spouse or partner complain that you spend too much money?
2.) Are you surprised each month when your credit card bill arrives at how much more you charged than you thought you had?
3.) Do you have more shoes and clothes in your closet than you could ever possibly wear?
4.) Do you own every new gadget before it has time to collect dust on a retailer's shelf?
5.) Do you buy things you didn't know you wanted until you saw them on display in a store?
If you answered "yes?to any two of the above questions, you are an impulse spender and indulge yourself in retail therapy.
This is not a good thing. It will prevent you from saving for the important things like a house, a new car, a vacation or retirement. You must set some financial goals and resist spending money on items that really don't matter in the long run.
Impulse spending will not only put a strain on your finances but your relationships, as well. To overcome the problem, the first thing to do is learn to separate your needs from your wants.
Advertisers blitz us hawking their products at us 24/7. The trick is to give yourself a cooling-off period before you buy anything that you have not planned for.
When you go shopping, make a list and take only enough cash to pay for what you have planned to buy. Leave your credit cards at home.
If you see something you think you really need, give yourself two weeks to decide if it is really something you need or something you can easily do without. By following this simple solution, you will mend your financial fences and your relationships.
Orignal From: Avoiding Impulse Spending
Ways to Eliminate Debt with a Personal Loan
There are many ways to allocate the funds you receive under the terms of a personal loan. One of the most popular uses for such loans is to eliminate debt. A personal loan offers a great alternative for individuals who are struggling to make monthly payments on too many accounts. The idea is to pay off such debt with a personal loan, then only have one monthly payment to make.
The monthly payment is often much less than you were paying before on all your outstanding debts. Having only one loan payment can also improve your credit score. This is especially true if the other debt was mainly credit card debt with the balance being very close to the credit limit.
The first step is to make a list of all of your outstanding debt. Make columns for information including the creditor, the balance due, and the interest rate. In the last column calculate the total amount you will pay on that debt making your current payments. There are great calculators to get this information online. These calculators are free and easy to use. To do this, simply type in the balance, interest rate, and monthly payment. In many cases you will be shocked to see how much that debt is going to end up costing you.
Once you have completed that task, add up the totals in each column. You will need to know the balance due to pay off the debt as this is the amount you will need your personal loan to be for. You also want to remember that overall cost total. It is very important that before you agree to the terms of a personal loan that you have made sure the overall cost of that loan will be considerably less than if you continue to make minimum payments on the debt you already have.
If the cost is fairly close or more, than don't take out the personal loan. It will do more damage to your current situation than good. Find out what the monthly payment will be as well. Imagine your shock if it ends up being more than what you are currently paying out.
This is a good time to take a realistic look at the reason why you have debt that you are having a hard time meeting the monthly payments for. It may be due to a change in circumstances that you had no control over. However, if the reason is that you have poor spending habits then you need to address this issue before taking out a personal loan. Nothing is more upsetting than getting a personal loan to cover your debt, then realize six months down the road that you have ran up a large amount of debt again. The situation with be much more grim now because in addition to paying off that debt you also have a personal loan payment to cover each month.
Enrolling in a debt management course or budgeting class can help you identify areas where you are not using your income wisely. There are also many excellent online resources to assist you. A good exercise is to have every family member write down all the money they spend over a week's time. You will be amazed to see the pattern of things that are draining your wallet during this exercise, including that daily cup of coffee and eating on the run. This is a great way to get all family members involved in the budgeting process as well as involved in finding better ways to manage money.
Personal loans can be a great way to eliminate other types of debt if used correctly. It is your responsibility to do your homework first. Make sure taking out a personal loan to cover your other debt is going to offer you a solution, not result in more financial stress.
Orignal From: Ways to Eliminate Debt with a Personal Loan
The monthly payment is often much less than you were paying before on all your outstanding debts. Having only one loan payment can also improve your credit score. This is especially true if the other debt was mainly credit card debt with the balance being very close to the credit limit.
The first step is to make a list of all of your outstanding debt. Make columns for information including the creditor, the balance due, and the interest rate. In the last column calculate the total amount you will pay on that debt making your current payments. There are great calculators to get this information online. These calculators are free and easy to use. To do this, simply type in the balance, interest rate, and monthly payment. In many cases you will be shocked to see how much that debt is going to end up costing you.
Once you have completed that task, add up the totals in each column. You will need to know the balance due to pay off the debt as this is the amount you will need your personal loan to be for. You also want to remember that overall cost total. It is very important that before you agree to the terms of a personal loan that you have made sure the overall cost of that loan will be considerably less than if you continue to make minimum payments on the debt you already have.
If the cost is fairly close or more, than don't take out the personal loan. It will do more damage to your current situation than good. Find out what the monthly payment will be as well. Imagine your shock if it ends up being more than what you are currently paying out.
This is a good time to take a realistic look at the reason why you have debt that you are having a hard time meeting the monthly payments for. It may be due to a change in circumstances that you had no control over. However, if the reason is that you have poor spending habits then you need to address this issue before taking out a personal loan. Nothing is more upsetting than getting a personal loan to cover your debt, then realize six months down the road that you have ran up a large amount of debt again. The situation with be much more grim now because in addition to paying off that debt you also have a personal loan payment to cover each month.
Enrolling in a debt management course or budgeting class can help you identify areas where you are not using your income wisely. There are also many excellent online resources to assist you. A good exercise is to have every family member write down all the money they spend over a week's time. You will be amazed to see the pattern of things that are draining your wallet during this exercise, including that daily cup of coffee and eating on the run. This is a great way to get all family members involved in the budgeting process as well as involved in finding better ways to manage money.
Personal loans can be a great way to eliminate other types of debt if used correctly. It is your responsibility to do your homework first. Make sure taking out a personal loan to cover your other debt is going to offer you a solution, not result in more financial stress.
Orignal From: Ways to Eliminate Debt with a Personal Loan
Bookkeeping Basics
Most people probably think of bookkeeping and accounting as the same thing, but bookkeeping is really one function of accounting, while accounting encompasses many functions involved in managing the financial affairs of a business. Accountants prepare reports based, in part, on the work of bookkeepers.
Bookkeepers perform all manner of record-keeping tasks. Some of them include the following:
-They prepare what are referred to as source documents for all the operations of a business - the buying, selling, transferring, paying and collecting. The documents include papers such as purchase orders, invoices, credit card slips, time cards, time sheets and expense reports. Bookkeepers also determine and enter in the source documents what are called the financial effects of the transactions and other business events. Those include paying the employees, making sales, borrowing money or buying products or raw materials for production.
-Bookkeepers also make entries of the financial effects into journals and accounts. These are two different things. A journal is the record of transactions in chronological order. An accounts is a separate record, or page for each asset and each liability. One transaction can affect several accounts.
-Bookkeepers prepare reports at the end of specific period of time, such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. To do this, all the accounts need to be up to date. Inventory records must be updated and the reports checked and double-checked to ensure that they're as error-free as possible.
-The bookkeepers also compile complete listings of all accounts. This is called the adjusted trial balance. While a small business may have a hundred or so accounts, very large businesses can have more than 10,000 accounts.
-The final step is for the bookkeeper to close the books, which means bringing all the bookkeeping for a fiscal year to a close and summarized.
Orignal From: Bookkeeping Basics
Bookkeepers perform all manner of record-keeping tasks. Some of them include the following:
-They prepare what are referred to as source documents for all the operations of a business - the buying, selling, transferring, paying and collecting. The documents include papers such as purchase orders, invoices, credit card slips, time cards, time sheets and expense reports. Bookkeepers also determine and enter in the source documents what are called the financial effects of the transactions and other business events. Those include paying the employees, making sales, borrowing money or buying products or raw materials for production.
-Bookkeepers also make entries of the financial effects into journals and accounts. These are two different things. A journal is the record of transactions in chronological order. An accounts is a separate record, or page for each asset and each liability. One transaction can affect several accounts.
-Bookkeepers prepare reports at the end of specific period of time, such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. To do this, all the accounts need to be up to date. Inventory records must be updated and the reports checked and double-checked to ensure that they're as error-free as possible.
-The bookkeepers also compile complete listings of all accounts. This is called the adjusted trial balance. While a small business may have a hundred or so accounts, very large businesses can have more than 10,000 accounts.
-The final step is for the bookkeeper to close the books, which means bringing all the bookkeeping for a fiscal year to a close and summarized.
Orignal From: Bookkeeping Basics
Student Credit Cards
In today's world, having a credit card is a luxury. Credit cards are a great convenience, meaning that you don't need to worry about cash when making a purchase. Although some credit cards have strict requirements, there are a lot of manufacturers that are giving both high school and college students the chance to get their own credit cards. Student credit cards can be used the same way as a traditional credit card, although they do come with certain restrictions and limitations that other credit cards don't normally have.
A lot of companies and banks that offer student credit cards will normally need a co-signer as a form of insurance or collateral. This person will sign on the loan with the student, and will be the person the company falls back on if the student is unable to pay the bill. Normally a parent or guardian, the co-signer is considered to be back up and a peace of mind for the issuer of the student credit card, as they can always count on the co-signer with good credit to pay if the student can't.
Normally, the APR or interest rate is higher with student credit cards, which helps to minimize the risk for the company. The spending limit is also different with these credit cards, as most are between 250 - 800 dollars. The reason for this, is because most students have established any credit, and therefore won't have a great credit rating. Although the spending limit is obviously lower with these cards than other credit cards, they will still help students establish credit.
Students who plan to make a large purchase, can greatly benefit from using student credit cards. To make large purchases, you'll need good credit - which is where a student credit card can really help out. You can use these credit cards as a stepping stone to building credit, and establishing a good credit rating. If you can get your credit rating high with your credit card, you'll then be able to be approved for much higher loans in the future.
Student credit cards can also help students gain a sense of responsibility. The card works just like any other credit card, although the spending limit is much lower. Once the student has mastered usage of the card, he or she can manage money much better later on in life. These cards are great for students to have, and can teach them money skills that will last a lifetime.
Just like traditional credit cards, students should also know that student credits cards can be dangerous. Although they are great to have, there are pitfalls such as overspending. If students spend more money than they having coming in, they will be unable to pay their credit card bill, which will then affect their credit. If the company goes after the co-signer to pay the bill, it could also affect their credit as well. Therefore, students should always have a budget in mind before they start using their credit cards.
All in all, student credit cards are great to have. For high school students or college students, these credit cards are a means of freedom, and a way to teach responsibility. They can come in handy during emergencies, which is reason enough to invest in them. If your son or daughter is in school right now, you should look into student credit cards. They can help your child to establish credit - which will take them farther wherever they go in life.
Orignal From: Student Credit Cards
A lot of companies and banks that offer student credit cards will normally need a co-signer as a form of insurance or collateral. This person will sign on the loan with the student, and will be the person the company falls back on if the student is unable to pay the bill. Normally a parent or guardian, the co-signer is considered to be back up and a peace of mind for the issuer of the student credit card, as they can always count on the co-signer with good credit to pay if the student can't.
Normally, the APR or interest rate is higher with student credit cards, which helps to minimize the risk for the company. The spending limit is also different with these credit cards, as most are between 250 - 800 dollars. The reason for this, is because most students have established any credit, and therefore won't have a great credit rating. Although the spending limit is obviously lower with these cards than other credit cards, they will still help students establish credit.
Students who plan to make a large purchase, can greatly benefit from using student credit cards. To make large purchases, you'll need good credit - which is where a student credit card can really help out. You can use these credit cards as a stepping stone to building credit, and establishing a good credit rating. If you can get your credit rating high with your credit card, you'll then be able to be approved for much higher loans in the future.
Student credit cards can also help students gain a sense of responsibility. The card works just like any other credit card, although the spending limit is much lower. Once the student has mastered usage of the card, he or she can manage money much better later on in life. These cards are great for students to have, and can teach them money skills that will last a lifetime.
Just like traditional credit cards, students should also know that student credits cards can be dangerous. Although they are great to have, there are pitfalls such as overspending. If students spend more money than they having coming in, they will be unable to pay their credit card bill, which will then affect their credit. If the company goes after the co-signer to pay the bill, it could also affect their credit as well. Therefore, students should always have a budget in mind before they start using their credit cards.
All in all, student credit cards are great to have. For high school students or college students, these credit cards are a means of freedom, and a way to teach responsibility. They can come in handy during emergencies, which is reason enough to invest in them. If your son or daughter is in school right now, you should look into student credit cards. They can help your child to establish credit - which will take them farther wherever they go in life.
Orignal From: Student Credit Cards
Small Business Credit Cards
In today's economy, small businesses play an important role. These days, it is easier than it ever has been to start a new small business. There are all kinds of new businesses popping up all over the United States, from department stores to gas stations. With new businesses on the rise, the owners should be looking into small business credit cards - for numerous reasons.
The best reason to get a small business credit card is for separating your personal finances from any business related finances. Once you have a small business credit card, you can start making all of your purchases via Internet, phone, or in person. Business credit cards are accepted virtually everywhere, which is great for those who need equipment or supplies in a hurry.
If you own a small business, you've probably experimented with using your personal cash for company purposes. This can get ugly in a hurry, which is why you should invest in a credit card for your small business. You can make purchases without having to worry about cash, then pay it back later. You won't need to keep track of everything either - as you statement will be mailed to you at the end of the month, letting you know exactly how much you spent.
A small business credit card is also a great way to establish some credibility with your business as well. When you pay with your credit card, it looks a lot more professional than using cash to make your purchases. It will gain the respect of financial companies, and help your business build some credit as well. After you have had a credit card in good standing for a few months, you'll be able to apply for a small business loan and get the best rates - along with the higher amounts.
Even though your business may not have a 6 figure income or budget, small business credit cards can still help your business grow and prosper. Credit cards are always great to have, simply for the fact that you never know when you need money. Your office equipment may crash and need replacing, or another emergency may come up. If you don't have a credit card for your business, the financing alone could shatter your daily operations.
Small business credit cards will also give you plenty of rewards as well. Most cards will give you cash aback and certain rewards on just about anything you purchase. From gas to equipment, you can get rewards simply for using your credit card. You can increase your profit margin as well, which is always a great thing. If you have other workers who are authorized to use your credit card, you'll get more rewards - and much faster as well. This is also easier on your business, as your workers will be able to get what they need, when they need it.
All in all, small business credit cards are always great to have around. They will provide your business with rewards and convenience, eliminating the need to use cash with each purchase you make. These cards will also protect the future of your business, and allow it to grow. If you own a small business, you shouldn't hesitate to look into these credit cards. Once you have found the best credit card for your company, you shouldn't hesitate to apply. Credit cards are always great to have around - even if your business is just getting started. Before you know it, your small business credit cards will more than pay for themselves.
Orignal From: Small Business Credit Cards
The best reason to get a small business credit card is for separating your personal finances from any business related finances. Once you have a small business credit card, you can start making all of your purchases via Internet, phone, or in person. Business credit cards are accepted virtually everywhere, which is great for those who need equipment or supplies in a hurry.
If you own a small business, you've probably experimented with using your personal cash for company purposes. This can get ugly in a hurry, which is why you should invest in a credit card for your small business. You can make purchases without having to worry about cash, then pay it back later. You won't need to keep track of everything either - as you statement will be mailed to you at the end of the month, letting you know exactly how much you spent.
A small business credit card is also a great way to establish some credibility with your business as well. When you pay with your credit card, it looks a lot more professional than using cash to make your purchases. It will gain the respect of financial companies, and help your business build some credit as well. After you have had a credit card in good standing for a few months, you'll be able to apply for a small business loan and get the best rates - along with the higher amounts.
Even though your business may not have a 6 figure income or budget, small business credit cards can still help your business grow and prosper. Credit cards are always great to have, simply for the fact that you never know when you need money. Your office equipment may crash and need replacing, or another emergency may come up. If you don't have a credit card for your business, the financing alone could shatter your daily operations.
Small business credit cards will also give you plenty of rewards as well. Most cards will give you cash aback and certain rewards on just about anything you purchase. From gas to equipment, you can get rewards simply for using your credit card. You can increase your profit margin as well, which is always a great thing. If you have other workers who are authorized to use your credit card, you'll get more rewards - and much faster as well. This is also easier on your business, as your workers will be able to get what they need, when they need it.
All in all, small business credit cards are always great to have around. They will provide your business with rewards and convenience, eliminating the need to use cash with each purchase you make. These cards will also protect the future of your business, and allow it to grow. If you own a small business, you shouldn't hesitate to look into these credit cards. Once you have found the best credit card for your company, you shouldn't hesitate to apply. Credit cards are always great to have around - even if your business is just getting started. Before you know it, your small business credit cards will more than pay for themselves.
Orignal From: Small Business Credit Cards
Finding Re-Financing Information
Homeowners who are considering re-financing but are not knowledgeable about the subject have a number of options available to them for finding more accurate information regarding the types of re-financing options available as well as the ways to obtain the best available rates and tips for finding a reputable lender. This information can be obtained through a number of resources including published books, Internet websites and conversations with experts in the financial industry who specialize in the area of re-financing. All of these sources can be very helpful but there are also precautions homeowners must take when using each information source. Taking these precautions will help to ensure the homeowner is receiving accurate information.
Using Books for Research
Published books are often considered to be one of the most reliable resources for researching re-financing options. However, not all books on the subject are created useful. Readers may find some books provide a great deal of useful, current information while others books are filled with outdated information and information which is not 100% accurate.
The best way to select a book or books when researching the subject of re-financing is to start the search with books that were only recently published. This is important because the financial industry is continually evolving and as a result books which were published only a few years ago may already be considered out of date.
Homeowners should also seek out independent reviews when considering books on the subject of re-financing. This is important because books which consistently receive solid reviews from consumers are likely to be worthwhile. Conversely books which consistently receive negative reviews are likely to not be worthwhile. Homeowners should seek out highly recommended books while avoiding those that are not highly recommended. This may prevent the homeowner from wasting time reading books which are not informative and may even be inaccurate.
Using the Internet for Research
The Internet is another resource which can be very valuable for homeowners who are considering re-financing their home. The Internet is filled with valuable information but there is also a great deal of misinformation floating around on the Internet. Homeowners who are completely uninformed about the re-financing process may not be able to distinguish between the useful information and the misinformation. As a result these homeowners may be led astray by inaccurate information on the Internet. Homeowners who wish to avoid the potential for this problem should consider verifying the information they find online through an outside source such as a published book from a renowned author or by conferring with an expert in the subject of re-financing.
Homeowners should also do the majority of their research on well established websites. This includes websites owned and operated by major lenders which have been in business for years. The information on these websites is likely to be much more up to date and accurate than websites which are created for profit by website owners.
Consulting with Re-Financing Experts
Finally, consulting with financial experts who specializes in re-financing can be very helpful for homeowners who are considering re-financing. This might be the most expensive option as many of these experts will likely charge a fee for their services but it can also be the most reliable source of information.
There are a number of advantages to consulting with an industry professional as opposed to researching the subject independently through published resources. The most significant advantage is the ability to ask questions throughout the re-financing process. This will help to ensure the homeowner fully understands the available options. It will also help to ensure the homeowner receives the best possible re-financing option for his specific needs. The re-financing process works best when the homeowner offers their input about the type of re-financing they are seeking as well as the benefits they hope to obtain through re-financing. The re-financing expert can than make a better recommendation which will suit the homeowner's needs.
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Using Books for Research
Published books are often considered to be one of the most reliable resources for researching re-financing options. However, not all books on the subject are created useful. Readers may find some books provide a great deal of useful, current information while others books are filled with outdated information and information which is not 100% accurate.
The best way to select a book or books when researching the subject of re-financing is to start the search with books that were only recently published. This is important because the financial industry is continually evolving and as a result books which were published only a few years ago may already be considered out of date.
Homeowners should also seek out independent reviews when considering books on the subject of re-financing. This is important because books which consistently receive solid reviews from consumers are likely to be worthwhile. Conversely books which consistently receive negative reviews are likely to not be worthwhile. Homeowners should seek out highly recommended books while avoiding those that are not highly recommended. This may prevent the homeowner from wasting time reading books which are not informative and may even be inaccurate.
Using the Internet for Research
The Internet is another resource which can be very valuable for homeowners who are considering re-financing their home. The Internet is filled with valuable information but there is also a great deal of misinformation floating around on the Internet. Homeowners who are completely uninformed about the re-financing process may not be able to distinguish between the useful information and the misinformation. As a result these homeowners may be led astray by inaccurate information on the Internet. Homeowners who wish to avoid the potential for this problem should consider verifying the information they find online through an outside source such as a published book from a renowned author or by conferring with an expert in the subject of re-financing.
Homeowners should also do the majority of their research on well established websites. This includes websites owned and operated by major lenders which have been in business for years. The information on these websites is likely to be much more up to date and accurate than websites which are created for profit by website owners.
Consulting with Re-Financing Experts
Finally, consulting with financial experts who specializes in re-financing can be very helpful for homeowners who are considering re-financing. This might be the most expensive option as many of these experts will likely charge a fee for their services but it can also be the most reliable source of information.
There are a number of advantages to consulting with an industry professional as opposed to researching the subject independently through published resources. The most significant advantage is the ability to ask questions throughout the re-financing process. This will help to ensure the homeowner fully understands the available options. It will also help to ensure the homeowner receives the best possible re-financing option for his specific needs. The re-financing process works best when the homeowner offers their input about the type of re-financing they are seeking as well as the benefits they hope to obtain through re-financing. The re-financing expert can than make a better recommendation which will suit the homeowner's needs.
Like this article? Finding Re-Financing Information
Orignal From: Finding Re-Financing Information
Microfinance Business Model , Financing Information
"Microfinance" is often defined as financial services for poor and low-income clients. In practice, the term is often used more narrowly to refer to loans and other services from providers that identify themselves as "microfinance institutions" (MFIs). These institutions commonly tend to use new Business Models developed over the last 30 years to deliver very small loans to unsalaried borrowers, taking little or no collateral. These methods include group lending and liability, pre-loan savings requirements, gradually increasing loan sizes, and an implicit guarantee of ready access to future loans if present loans are repaid fully and promptly. Inception if MFIs
MFI came into existence when the lack of access to credit for the poor is attributable to practical difficulties arising from the discrepancy between the mode of operation followed by financial institutions and the economic characteristics and financing needs of low-income households. For example, commercial lending institutions require that borrowers have a stable source of income out of which principal and interest can be paid back according to the agreed terms. However, the income of many self employed households is not stable, regardless of its size. A large number of small loans are needed to serve the poor, but lenders prefer dealing with large loans in small numbers to minimize administration costs. They also look for collateral with a clear title - which many low-income households do not have. In addition bankers tend to consider low income households a bad risk imposing exceedingly high information monitoring costs on operation.
MicroCredit which is an integral part of Microfinance, is the extension of very small loans (microloans) to those in poverty designed to spur entrepreneurship. These individuals lack collateral, steady employment and a verifiable credit history and therefore cannot meet even the most minimal qualifications to gain access to traditional credit. Business Model for getting financially viable
Over the last ten years, however, successful experiences in providing finance to small entrepreneur and producers demonstrate that poor people, when given access to responsive and timely financial services at market rates, repay their loans and use the proceeds to increase their income and assets. This is not surprising since the only realistic alternative for them is to borrow from informal market at an interest much higher than market rates. Community banks, NGOs and grassroot savings and credit groups around the world have shown that these microenterprise loans can be profitable for borrowers and for the lenders, making microfinance one of the most effective poverty reducing strategies.
To the extent that microfinance institutions become financially viable, self sustaining, and integral to the communities in which they operate, they have the potential to attract more resources and expand services to clients. Despite the success of microfinance institutions, only about 2% of world's roughly 500 million small entrepreneur is estimated to have access to financial services.
The Grameen Bank which is a synonym for MicroFinance, makes small loans to the impoverished without requiring collateral. Established in 1976, the Grameen Bank (GB) has over 1000 branches (a branch covers 25-30 villages, around 240 groups and 1200 borrowers) in every province of Bangladesh, borrowing groups in 28,000 villages, 12 lakh borrowers with over 90% being women. It has an annual growth rate of 20% in terms of its borrowers. The most important feature is the recovery rate of loans, which is as high as 98%. A still more interesting feature is the ingenious manner of advancing credit without any "collateral security". The Grameen Bank lending system is simple but effective. The system of this bank is based on the idea that the poor have skills that are under-utilized. A group-based credit approach is applied which utilizes the peer-pressure within the group to ensure the borrowers follow through and use caution in conducting their financial affairs with strict discipline, ensuring repayment eventually and allowing the borrowers to develop good credit standing.
The Business Model on which most of the Microfinance works is solidarity lending. Solidarity lending is a lending practice where small groups borrow collectively and group members encourage one another to repay. It is an important building block of microfinance. Solidarity lending lowers the costs to a financial institution related to assessing, managing and collecting loans, and can eliminate the need for collateral.
An early pioneer of solidarity lending, Dr. Muhammad Yunus of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh describes the dynamics of lending through solidarity groups this way:
"... Group membership not only creates support and protection but also smooths out the erratic behavior patterns of individual members, making each borrower more reliable in the process. Subtle and at times not-so-subtle peer pressure keeps each group member in line with the broader objectives of the credit program.... Because the group approves the loan request of each member, the group assumes moral responsibility for the loan. If any member of the group gets into trouble, the group usually comes forward to help."
The above cited Model helps in minimizing the delinquency rate. The source of income for most of the Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) are the high rate of interest they charge to the borrowers, The real average portfolio yield cited by the a sample of 704 microfinance institutions that voluntarily submitted reports to the MicroBanking Bulletin in 2006 was 22.3% annually. Microfinance institutions can broaden their resource base by mobilizing savings, accessing capital markets, loan funds and effective institutional development support. A logical way to tap capital market is securitization through a corporation that purchases loans made by microenterprise institutions with the funds raised through the bonds issuance on the capital market. There is atleast one pilot attempt to securitize microfinance portfolio along these lines in Ecuador. As an alternative, BancoSol of Bolivia issued a certificate of deposit which are traded in Bolivian stock exchange. In 1994, it also issued certificates of deposit in the U.S. (Churchill 1996). The Foundation for Cooperation and Development of Paraguay issued bonds to raise capital for microenterprise lending (Grameen Trust 1995). Successfull MFIs like Grameen Bank even generate revenue by providing training programs / research programs to journalists or upcoming MFIs.
Another kind of MFI in India is indigenously developed system known as Chit funds; they are the closest thing to a bank in many parts of India. They mobilize huge amounts of small savings and offer the same as some sort of microfinance. Properly used chit funds are an effective tool to meet unplanned, unforeseen and unexpected expenses, especially for the middle class and small businessmen. Chit fund is a dual-purpose instrument for both borrowing and saving. It has no financial intermediation. Each chit group is in a way a self-help group. Members invest a fixed amount every month. This collection is available for borrowing. Auctions are conducted every month. The members who bid for the highest discount win. The dividend at every auction is distributed to the subscribers out of the discount (the difference between the chit amount and the amount bid), after deducting the group foreman's commission. Shriram Chits has more than 22 lakh subscribers.
Proposed Model for MFIs If we consider the fact that MFIs role is to lend loan to impoverished sector of the society so that they raise their living standards and can provide a stable lifestyle to their families, which can be possible only when a group of member can come up with an business idea. But how successful the entity is going to be after its formation and will result in timely repayment of the loan cannot be guaranteed. I personally feel, instead of letting the inexperienced group to decide upon the venture all the time, MFIs or NGO's should set up ventures which can be either be an subsidiary of existing stable company or something which can traded outside the community, guaranteeing the flow of funds. This will bring an stable or regular source of income for many households without the worries of loan. The reason behind this though is the criticism behind the Microcredit institutions. Some experts argues that most microcredit institutions are overly dependent on external capital. A study of microcredit institutions in Bolivia in 2003, for example, found that they were very slow to deliver quality microsavings services because of easy access to cheaper forms of external capital.Global data tables from The Microbanking Bulletin show that savings represent a small source of funds for microcredit institutions in most developing nations.
Because field officers are in a position of power locally and are judged on repayment rates as the primary metric of their success, they sometimes use coercive and even violent tactics to collect installments on the microcredit loans. Some loan recipients sink into a cycle of debt, using a microcredit loan from one organization to meet interest obligations from another.
Recent move by indian govt to repay the loan taken by the farmers of certain segment is the result of delinquency. To avoid such incidences again, its better to invest in upbringing of this segment by bringing an regular source of income to the households.
The need for Technology Technology in Microfinance will not only help in retrieving the data for deserving borrowers but can also help in tracking the flow of funds. Theoretically, microfinance may encompass any efforts to increase access to, or improve the quality of, financial services poor people currently use or could benefit from using. For example, poor people borrow from informal moneylenders and save with informal collectors. They receive loans and grants from charities. They buy insurance from state-owned companies. They receive funds transfers through remittance networks (like Hawala). Technology can help monitoring and improving the accessibility of funds to the deserving section of the society and at the same time can help Microfinance institutions to measure and disclose their performance both financially and socially to the government.
On the lines of corebanking solutions, all MFIs in a country can be interlinked to each other through network which will ultimately help govt. organization to follow the flow of source of funds. This in other way can help in AML.
Proper Consulting can help MFI's or NGO's to decide upon the right industry which can be established to an particular location. Taking a place like vidarbha into account, which lacks in proper irrigation facilities, can be best judged to be the right place for an power sector company to establish an solar power system. This will be financially much viable then lending loans to struggling families of farmers who end-up in repaying their existing loans.
Conclusion Some valuable lessons can be drawn from the experience of Microfinance operation.
First of all, the poor repay their loans and are willing to pay for higher interest rates than commercial banks provided that the venture they decide to start from the loan executes successfully.
Technology should be used for proper streamlining the flow of funds and at the same time creating a transparent business model for the MFIs.
Consultancies should be used to decide if establishing a large scale industry is better for providing stability to target segment.
Orignal From: Microfinance Business Model , Financing Information
MFI came into existence when the lack of access to credit for the poor is attributable to practical difficulties arising from the discrepancy between the mode of operation followed by financial institutions and the economic characteristics and financing needs of low-income households. For example, commercial lending institutions require that borrowers have a stable source of income out of which principal and interest can be paid back according to the agreed terms. However, the income of many self employed households is not stable, regardless of its size. A large number of small loans are needed to serve the poor, but lenders prefer dealing with large loans in small numbers to minimize administration costs. They also look for collateral with a clear title - which many low-income households do not have. In addition bankers tend to consider low income households a bad risk imposing exceedingly high information monitoring costs on operation.
MicroCredit which is an integral part of Microfinance, is the extension of very small loans (microloans) to those in poverty designed to spur entrepreneurship. These individuals lack collateral, steady employment and a verifiable credit history and therefore cannot meet even the most minimal qualifications to gain access to traditional credit. Business Model for getting financially viable
Over the last ten years, however, successful experiences in providing finance to small entrepreneur and producers demonstrate that poor people, when given access to responsive and timely financial services at market rates, repay their loans and use the proceeds to increase their income and assets. This is not surprising since the only realistic alternative for them is to borrow from informal market at an interest much higher than market rates. Community banks, NGOs and grassroot savings and credit groups around the world have shown that these microenterprise loans can be profitable for borrowers and for the lenders, making microfinance one of the most effective poverty reducing strategies.
To the extent that microfinance institutions become financially viable, self sustaining, and integral to the communities in which they operate, they have the potential to attract more resources and expand services to clients. Despite the success of microfinance institutions, only about 2% of world's roughly 500 million small entrepreneur is estimated to have access to financial services.
The Grameen Bank which is a synonym for MicroFinance, makes small loans to the impoverished without requiring collateral. Established in 1976, the Grameen Bank (GB) has over 1000 branches (a branch covers 25-30 villages, around 240 groups and 1200 borrowers) in every province of Bangladesh, borrowing groups in 28,000 villages, 12 lakh borrowers with over 90% being women. It has an annual growth rate of 20% in terms of its borrowers. The most important feature is the recovery rate of loans, which is as high as 98%. A still more interesting feature is the ingenious manner of advancing credit without any "collateral security". The Grameen Bank lending system is simple but effective. The system of this bank is based on the idea that the poor have skills that are under-utilized. A group-based credit approach is applied which utilizes the peer-pressure within the group to ensure the borrowers follow through and use caution in conducting their financial affairs with strict discipline, ensuring repayment eventually and allowing the borrowers to develop good credit standing.
The Business Model on which most of the Microfinance works is solidarity lending. Solidarity lending is a lending practice where small groups borrow collectively and group members encourage one another to repay. It is an important building block of microfinance. Solidarity lending lowers the costs to a financial institution related to assessing, managing and collecting loans, and can eliminate the need for collateral.
An early pioneer of solidarity lending, Dr. Muhammad Yunus of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh describes the dynamics of lending through solidarity groups this way:
"... Group membership not only creates support and protection but also smooths out the erratic behavior patterns of individual members, making each borrower more reliable in the process. Subtle and at times not-so-subtle peer pressure keeps each group member in line with the broader objectives of the credit program.... Because the group approves the loan request of each member, the group assumes moral responsibility for the loan. If any member of the group gets into trouble, the group usually comes forward to help."
The above cited Model helps in minimizing the delinquency rate. The source of income for most of the Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) are the high rate of interest they charge to the borrowers, The real average portfolio yield cited by the a sample of 704 microfinance institutions that voluntarily submitted reports to the MicroBanking Bulletin in 2006 was 22.3% annually. Microfinance institutions can broaden their resource base by mobilizing savings, accessing capital markets, loan funds and effective institutional development support. A logical way to tap capital market is securitization through a corporation that purchases loans made by microenterprise institutions with the funds raised through the bonds issuance on the capital market. There is atleast one pilot attempt to securitize microfinance portfolio along these lines in Ecuador. As an alternative, BancoSol of Bolivia issued a certificate of deposit which are traded in Bolivian stock exchange. In 1994, it also issued certificates of deposit in the U.S. (Churchill 1996). The Foundation for Cooperation and Development of Paraguay issued bonds to raise capital for microenterprise lending (Grameen Trust 1995). Successfull MFIs like Grameen Bank even generate revenue by providing training programs / research programs to journalists or upcoming MFIs.
Another kind of MFI in India is indigenously developed system known as Chit funds; they are the closest thing to a bank in many parts of India. They mobilize huge amounts of small savings and offer the same as some sort of microfinance. Properly used chit funds are an effective tool to meet unplanned, unforeseen and unexpected expenses, especially for the middle class and small businessmen. Chit fund is a dual-purpose instrument for both borrowing and saving. It has no financial intermediation. Each chit group is in a way a self-help group. Members invest a fixed amount every month. This collection is available for borrowing. Auctions are conducted every month. The members who bid for the highest discount win. The dividend at every auction is distributed to the subscribers out of the discount (the difference between the chit amount and the amount bid), after deducting the group foreman's commission. Shriram Chits has more than 22 lakh subscribers.
Proposed Model for MFIs If we consider the fact that MFIs role is to lend loan to impoverished sector of the society so that they raise their living standards and can provide a stable lifestyle to their families, which can be possible only when a group of member can come up with an business idea. But how successful the entity is going to be after its formation and will result in timely repayment of the loan cannot be guaranteed. I personally feel, instead of letting the inexperienced group to decide upon the venture all the time, MFIs or NGO's should set up ventures which can be either be an subsidiary of existing stable company or something which can traded outside the community, guaranteeing the flow of funds. This will bring an stable or regular source of income for many households without the worries of loan. The reason behind this though is the criticism behind the Microcredit institutions. Some experts argues that most microcredit institutions are overly dependent on external capital. A study of microcredit institutions in Bolivia in 2003, for example, found that they were very slow to deliver quality microsavings services because of easy access to cheaper forms of external capital.Global data tables from The Microbanking Bulletin show that savings represent a small source of funds for microcredit institutions in most developing nations.
Because field officers are in a position of power locally and are judged on repayment rates as the primary metric of their success, they sometimes use coercive and even violent tactics to collect installments on the microcredit loans. Some loan recipients sink into a cycle of debt, using a microcredit loan from one organization to meet interest obligations from another.
Recent move by indian govt to repay the loan taken by the farmers of certain segment is the result of delinquency. To avoid such incidences again, its better to invest in upbringing of this segment by bringing an regular source of income to the households.
The need for Technology Technology in Microfinance will not only help in retrieving the data for deserving borrowers but can also help in tracking the flow of funds. Theoretically, microfinance may encompass any efforts to increase access to, or improve the quality of, financial services poor people currently use or could benefit from using. For example, poor people borrow from informal moneylenders and save with informal collectors. They receive loans and grants from charities. They buy insurance from state-owned companies. They receive funds transfers through remittance networks (like Hawala). Technology can help monitoring and improving the accessibility of funds to the deserving section of the society and at the same time can help Microfinance institutions to measure and disclose their performance both financially and socially to the government.
On the lines of corebanking solutions, all MFIs in a country can be interlinked to each other through network which will ultimately help govt. organization to follow the flow of source of funds. This in other way can help in AML.
Proper Consulting can help MFI's or NGO's to decide upon the right industry which can be established to an particular location. Taking a place like vidarbha into account, which lacks in proper irrigation facilities, can be best judged to be the right place for an power sector company to establish an solar power system. This will be financially much viable then lending loans to struggling families of farmers who end-up in repaying their existing loans.
Conclusion Some valuable lessons can be drawn from the experience of Microfinance operation.
First of all, the poor repay their loans and are willing to pay for higher interest rates than commercial banks provided that the venture they decide to start from the loan executes successfully.
Technology should be used for proper streamlining the flow of funds and at the same time creating a transparent business model for the MFIs.
Consultancies should be used to decide if establishing a large scale industry is better for providing stability to target segment.
Orignal From: Microfinance Business Model , Financing Information
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Orignal From: Bluehost wordpress blog hosting,BlueHost Review
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Orignal From: Bluehost TextPattern blog hosting,BlueHost Review
With the bluehost simple scripts installer providing the latest textpattern weblog script version 4.0.8 available for quick installation. We proceed with the demo site setup and installation at a test folder, and the setup process completed in few minutes time only. The textpattern blog is up and we able to login admin control panel to customized and add content for publishing too. This bluehost hosting special promo price $3.95 per month is suitable for blog web hosting.
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Orignal From: Bluehost TextPattern blog hosting,BlueHost Review
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Bluehost wordpress installation option:
manual upload
Bluehost wordpress upgrade option:
simplescript & fantastico are automatic upgrade.
manual upload latest wordpress script and upgrade manually.
use wordpress automatic upgrade.
Orignal From: BlueHost Review,Bluehost wordpress
If you are using Bluehost web hosting for your WordPress blog site, and you did your wordpress installation through simplescripts or fantastico, your WordPress script will be updated automatically. This might take days or weeks, before the new script being applied to your weblog.
If you are seeking for a quick WordPress screen updates, either you perform it manually by uploading the latest WordPress to bluehost server and performed the upgrade manually, or you can use the " WordPress automate upgrade" plugin that helped to simplify the WordPress upgrade process. This is very good WordPress plugin that every WordPress blog should have.
Bluehost wordpress installation option:
manual upload
Bluehost wordpress upgrade option:
simplescript & fantastico are automatic upgrade.
manual upload latest wordpress script and upgrade manually.
use wordpress automatic upgrade.
Orignal From: BlueHost Review,Bluehost wordpress
BlueHost Review,Bluehost for joomla web hosting
BlueHost Review
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Joomla content management system (CMS) had been my favourite CMS script. It's one of the most powerful and most favour CMS script available.
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Orignal From: BlueHost Review,Bluehost for joomla web hosting
Bluehost for joomla web hosting
Joomla content management system (CMS) had been my favourite CMS script. It's one of the most powerful and most favour CMS script available.
Bluehost hosting is supporting joomla script, both version of joomla and joomla 1.5. Referring to joomla technical requirement, you will require your PHP 4 or 5, MySQL 4.1 above, Apache 2.x above, and Bluehost fastCGI feature. Fast CGI is an important feature that uses server cache to improve your website speed.
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Juma CMS can be used to create many types of websites, not just limited to personal website all corporate website. You can use joomla for creation of community site, forum, web directory, blog, social network site, photo gallery, etc
"Joomla! is one of the most powerful Open Source Content Management Systems on the planet. It is used all over the world for everything from simple websites to complex corporate applications. Joomla! is easy to install, simple to manage, and reliable."
Orignal From: BlueHost Review,Bluehost for joomla web hosting
BlueHost Review,Bluehost for mambo web hosting
Bluehost for mambo web hosting
BlueHost Review
I really like the bluehost simple scripts installer feature that allow quick script installation and setup. Unfortunately its not offering mambo script installation. Bluehost simple script have variety of script; from ecommerce to blog, forum to various CMS site and photo gallery scripts. But mambo CMS script is not provided.
I have to manually download the mambo current version from mambo open source website, unzip and upload to bluehost ftp server and install it manually. I created a test folder and a test database for installation purpose. The setup process is bit tedious without simple scripts one click installation to help me out.
ops.. after complete the mambo installation and test site, when i jumped back to bluehost cpanel.. at fantastico i found out that they have mambo open source script there. If i had used this instead, it should save me more time.
Conclusion, mambo script is fully supported at bluehost hosting and available at fantastico for easy installation.
Orignal From: BlueHost Review,Bluehost for mambo web hosting
BlueHost Review
I really like the bluehost simple scripts installer feature that allow quick script installation and setup. Unfortunately its not offering mambo script installation. Bluehost simple script have variety of script; from ecommerce to blog, forum to various CMS site and photo gallery scripts. But mambo CMS script is not provided.
I have to manually download the mambo current version from mambo open source website, unzip and upload to bluehost ftp server and install it manually. I created a test folder and a test database for installation purpose. The setup process is bit tedious without simple scripts one click installation to help me out.
ops.. after complete the mambo installation and test site, when i jumped back to bluehost cpanel.. at fantastico i found out that they have mambo open source script there. If i had used this instead, it should save me more time.
Conclusion, mambo script is fully supported at bluehost hosting and available at fantastico for easy installation.
Orignal From: BlueHost Review,Bluehost for mambo web hosting
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