Cellulite Solutions (52 Brilliant Ideas): Tips and Techniques to Lose the Lumps
52 ways to get smooth!
90% of all women, young and old, fat and thin, couch potato and gym bunny alike, have cellulite, whether a little or a lot. With the bewildering range of treatment solutions available, ranging from muds, creams and herbal supplements to skin patches, aromatherapy and laser surgery, Cellulite Solutions dispels the myths and provides honest advice on what works and what doesn't, with ideas including:
- Idea #4: Give it the brush-off
- Idea #9: The green goddess
- Idea #31: Salon selectives
- Idea #42: Pedal power
- Idea #47: Bend it, stretch it
- Idea #48: Some like it hot
List Price: $ 16.95
Price: $ 3.74
How To Reduce (Lose Weight)
(The books I publish are always proof read and corrected before publishing on Kindle! David Snode)
From my many years' experience with the wants of womankind as revealed to me through
thousands upon thousands of letters received annually in my capacity as beauty editor of the Chicago Tribune, I have just about decided that the national feminine cry is Fatless Figures for Women.
Nor am I revealing any deep dark confidence when I tell that women are not the only
sex interested. The men are crowding onto the Fatless platform in amazing numbers for
a sex that is supposed to be devoid of vanity.
Time was when the double standard stretched to the excess-pound male and the woman suffered alone in her superfluous misery — but nowadays to be fat is to be fat regardless of whether it is a man or woman who is carrying the excess burden. This is the reason I present this book of simple and commonsense rules for reduction. The obesity
problem of the average individual, in spite of indignant denials, is a matter of too much food and too little exercise. Nor is it always eating too much food — but eating fat making foods almost exclusively and not doing enough muscular work to burn up what is consumed.
The menus presented herein have been tried out by hundreds and been found to do the work of reducing claimed for them. They are not just hearsay menus nor menus picked up at random. I have personal knowledge of case after case in which fat-burdened bodies have been trained down through them.
They are menus which require no additional expense to the household budget, nor do they need to upset the meal planning to any unreasonable degree. They are simply presented, I have tried to keep away from Don'ts as much as possible — rather to show what can be done with Do's properly applied to the figure.
If my flights into Jingleville offend your sense of rhyme and rhythm, may I beg for leniency? Sly excuse for them is that ofttimes a foolish bit of verse will carry home a mes-
sage better than a yard of preaching.
I want the little prayer "To Be Said Before Meals" (page 47) to be adopted as the battle
cry for freedom from pounds. Dieting, after all, being the necessary state of mind, I
recommend the prayerlet as a means of acquiring that necessary mental state.
List Price: $ 2.45
Orignal From: Cellulite Solutions (52 Brilliant Ideas): Tips and Techniques to Lose the Lumps
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