Question by Daniel K: How can I fix my dogs unusual behavior?
My dog is a minituare Schnauzer, but he's really big for a minituare. Well my dogs problem is that he always barks and growls at other dogs, even ones that are twice his size. He can't confront other dogs because there either scared of him, or they get pissed off at my dog. There are only a few dogs my dog confront calmly. I think my dog only growls because he's excited, because once he meets the dog he's very gentle and just sniffs around. How do I fix my dogs problem, I know one way to fix it is to get another dog for him to play with. But my family does not want another dog.
It's hard to introduce him to dogs because people just walk away at my barking dog lol.
Best answer:
Answer by dogfanatic
i have a m. schnauzer myself, and he is like that too. its a natural thing in their breed. especially if your dog is not used to being around other dogs, like mine. i dont think you CAN actually fix it, maybe just train him. schnauzers really are aggressive towards other dogs anyway, so its up to you whether you want your dog to change or just be ''natural''. i'm fine with my dog just like that. i pretend he's protecting me . :)
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