
What do we tell our children?

Did you know that many of the animals you see at the zoo are critically endangered? In the next century some of the animals will only be at zoos around the world. I was checking out a site called "World Zoo Today", they offer news and information from zoos and conservation groups around the world. The facts about what is happening to our world's animals is alarming and quite sad.

If you love animals like I do then you know that the Polar Bear is on the way to extinction. it is only a matter of time if nothing is done before they are all gone. Should be let or be the cause of an species to go extinct? I think not. As "World Zoo Today" puts it, "We are the planet's zoo keepers, and we are doing a very bad job".

Have you heard about the Rhinos? They are being killed just for the horn. They are not eaten, just the horn is cut off for some crazy Chinese medicine which doesn't really work or which has a better modern alternative. Rhinos are dying just because of money and greed. Makes you wonder how intelligent humans really are. Did you hear that instead of hunting down the poachers it is easier to just move what few rhinos there are left in the wild somewhere safer?

Did you know that there are so few tigers left that some refuges set aside just for tigers don't have any tigers in them? We have slaughtered them for money and greed to the point they are almost all gone. What kind of message are we sending to our kids about all this. It wouldn't be the first time humans have caused an entire species to go extinct. Many have already went.

Take the Tasmanian Tiger, use to be in large numbers. Now extinct because of their fur patterned made great rugs and they also killed off livestock when people cause them to starve. Should we cause the extinction of a species? The passenger pigeon use to exist in the millions, now gone. The bison almost ended up the same way. Are we really the intelligent most intelligent species on the planet?

Check out "World Zoo Today" and get the news and the facts. They don't butter up the news and make it all safe for people. They only give the cold, hard and very sad facts about what we are doing to this planet. Some days I am ashamed to be called a human for the things we have done to this planet. I also noticed they were looking for volunteers just like all the other zoos and conservation groups. Isn't it sad when place like that have to ask for volunteers? it seems like society cares little for what is done to this planet.

How many animals are you going to just let go extinct? Others around the world are trying their best to save species, I have started myself. It is not too late, but when the last one of a species dies, how do you tell your kids you didn't try to help? Can you face your children if you do nothing?

Do you love going to your local zoo? Did you know there is a zoo magazine online for free?

Orignal From: What do we tell our children?

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