
How To Take Care Of Breeding Zebra Finches

Breeding Zebra Finches Ideas And Tips

Taking care of a pair of birds is easy enough when you know what to feed them and their normal behaviors. Taking care of breeding Zebra Finches is a different thing if you want their offspring to survive and thrive well. You don't need to purchase any expensive feeds or other equipment, but you will need to know about their reproductive cycle.

These birds are very popular as pets in many households across the country. They are small at less than four inches, and were imported from the grasslands of Australia. What makes them so popular is the variety of colors that they have on them. You can actually tell the males from the females as the males are much more colorful. They also have orange cheeks and black strips across the throat and breast. On their backs and sides you will find brown spots.

In addition to their colors, many find their calls and chirps to be attractive as well. They are very vocal, and have a variety of vocalizations. Their usual song is a series of short beeps that lead up to a more complex song. As you get to know your birds, you'll find that they have their own unique calls. Males tend to be more vocal than the females, but both of them will exhibit some form of chirping.

This vocalization helps with their social behavior; among all the captive bird species, this is one of the most social with birds in the group preening and grooming each other constantly. Most pet shops will not sell individual birds as they need companionship in their cages. For new owners, a minimum of two is required to keep a happy cage.

If you plan on keeping these birds, you should at least keep a pair as they are very social. This goes back to their wild nature when they fly together in large flocks. Even in their cages, they will still exhibit this type of behavior. It is not uncommon to find the finches grooming each other and being very social with other birds.

They are more social with other birds than they are with humans. They are not very keen about being held or petted, and they often shy away from people. This should be noted by anyone who thinks that this species is okay to hold in one's hands. There are other species that enjoy this type of interaction.

You will know when they have mated when they start to build their nest. It is best to provide them with a ready made nest with a few short stalks and leaves on the side to keep them busy. Once the nest is built, the female will start to lay the eggs. Both the male and female will then sit on them until they hatch around eleven to fourteen days later.

Within two months, the younglings will be old enough to be independent from their parents. Owners should take note of this time frame and provide the necessary extra cages for this occasion. Breeding Zebra Finches is easy enough, but you should take care of all the preparations before hand.

Check out our top tips for beginners on breeding finches successfully now in our guide to all you need to know about breeding zebra finches

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