
How do you feel about the poor dogs that have to live outside dogs?

Question by Im not here: How do you feel about the poor dogs that have to live outside dogs?
I have always cringed at the site of outside dogs they are either free roaming, tied up with a crappy dog house for cover or in a kennel all day and night. If you own a dog and keep him outside morning noon and night, why even own a dog anyway! They are part of the family and I can't imagine them being happy out there all the time. They need walked, socialized and to be in good health and clean smelling. I live in a big city where alot of the people keep their dogs outside and it's an inconvience to not be able to sleep soundly at night. They use these dogs as burglar alarms or they sell drugs and want some type of alert system, so they have dogs tied up in various spot over their yards. Even with a large kennel your dog is not getting what it needs in life. Why have a dog if you aren't going to care for them properly? Why not let them out during the day and crate them at night?
if you live in the country and have more than an acre and your dog is loose, this question is not geared towards you! This ? is geared towards the dogs that have no where to go!!!

Best answer:

Answer by snagglepuss3749
I totally agree. I'm glad that there is someone else out there that feels the same way.

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