Esquimalt -- You can cut Sage some slack if she looks a little hesitant to take a dip into the water off Macaulay Point. The last time she went for a swim on Tuesday night, it didn't sit well with a certain seal. "We were at the breakwater and heard barking and thrashing down by the water, and we rushed over to see it was Sage in the water and the seal kind of tangled up" says owner Rex Heslop. Heslop and his girlfriend Amy Bell called to Sage, but couldn't get her out of the water. They started to freak out. "I was yelling at Rex should I go in or should I not go in the water" says Bell. When Sage refused to come out, and then she stopped barking, back on the breakwater Rex didn't know what to do, so he hopped in himself to try to save the dog. He quickly discovered it was freezing. He was forced to cut the rescue short, and instead the scared couple called 911. "We were both pretty panicked at the time and it just seemed like something had to be done, she wasn't responding, we were really concerned for her safety in the water" adds Heslop. By the time first responders arrived at the beach the skirmish with the seal was over, and Sage was alright. "We're so glad to have her come back and to see she could walk and that she was coming out fine. I'm surprised it was only scratches" says Bell. Now, Sage and her golden retriever friend Bear have put the incident behind them, and so have their owners, but Heslop says from now on he'll keep his eyes on the water. "It's good to ...
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