
How come some cats are way more affectionate than others?

Question by nickname: How come some cats are way more affectionate than others?
I heard a funny story about cats on NPR today. It said reddish/orange cats are more affectionate than others. I have two cats and the orange one is WAY more affectionate and friendly than my gray girl one, (the orange one is a boy!).... How come some cats are more affectionate than others? Are they just born like that? LIke how poeple are born w/ different personalities?

Best answer:

Answer by Peace♥Love♥Twilight
Someone told me once that cats are less affectionate when they are older if you gave them a lot of attention as a kitten, and if they didn't get a lot of attention as a kitten then they will be more affectionate when they are older.

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