Question by Heather: How long can a cat survive without treatment?
A cat that belongs to someone I know is exhibiting all the signs of a urinary tract infection (blood in urine, straining to go, going outside the box, etc.) and obviously needs to be seen by a vet. However, the cat's owner doesn't have the time or the money to take the cat to the vet immediately. They are planning on doing it "some time" next week.
1. How long can a cat go without treatment?
2. Should I just take the cat to the vet myself and pay for treatment?
It is a male cat, 4 years old, and he's been experiencing the symptoms for almost 3 days.
Best answer:
Answer by Rapid Fire
By next week the cats kidneys and liver will have shut down and the cat may be dead. Toxins are now building up in the cats body and there is only so much the internal organs can do about it until they start a cascade failure. At that point the cat becomes non-salvageable and usually dies a very painful death or has to be put down.
You can take the cat to a vet yourself, but be aware that treatment is very expensive.
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