Question by luv2write: What pet-friendly touches/renovations have you made to your home?
If you're a dog or cat lover, what have you done to make your home more comfortable for them? Did you install pet doors, create pet rooms? Creative ideas for handling the litter box, pet food and mealtime would be great too.
Best answer:
Answer by Bozema
We mostly made the house pet-tolerant. We got rid of carpet, put in wood floors (the hardest wood and finish we could find) and use easy to clean inexpensive area rugs in rooms where pets hang out. We have trained our dogs to stay out of certain rooms (living room, kitchen and guest room) and nice rugs go there. We have a doggie toy basket in the family room. We have dog beds in our bedroom and dogs sleep on those. There's not enough room in our bed anyway and it keeps our bed nice but our dogs are still with us at night. The cat also has several beds - his favorite is under the dining room table, which is his fortress. There's nothing fragile on low furniture that tails can knock over. We don't keep food out on counters and trash is in a cabinet so there's no temptation to go int he kitchen and get in trouble. And for the cat, a scratching post is invaluable.
The litter box is in the garage (and the cat has easy access) and I use the silicone bead litter which is odorless and does not have to be changed quite as often and controls odors well. It's biggest problem is that it tends to scatter, but at least it is easy to sweep in the garage. The dogs eat on the porch and the cat in the garage.
Our house looks and smells clean and doesn't look like 2 bigs and a cat live in here and they all have very comfortable accommodations.
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