
Lunarpages Review,Lunarpages Domain Transfer Completed

On 17th May i initiate the domain trasnfer request from lunarpages. The domain transfer request is perform through email to support @ lunarpages. Their response is fast, and within few minutes i am replied by human operator. He said information missing, and require my lunarpages cpanel login and password as well. So, i reply them with the required information. After confirmation, i was asked for the domain transfer authentication code on the same day. Got it from godaddy control panel, and enter to the tucows domain transfer interface. Done on the same days as well.

After that, today 24th May, i receive email from lunarpages stating the domain transfer had been completed. Glad its transfered to lunarpages at last. The domain can be managed from https://manage.opensrs.net/ which i still new to their simple interface. Beside that, after transfered the domain name, i would like to lock it back. I search through the control panel and can't locate the lock features. And actually it require manual request from lunarpages support. OK, bit tedious, so i email lunarpages support again and asked for locking the domain. Thinking back, its their security measures as well, so that not anyone can unlock your domain and transfer it away, thats stealing of domains. So, you got to go through lunarpages human validation.  I felt safe with lunarpages.

Open account, and Get similar services from Lunarpages today. $25 rebate coupon by entering: 25offhosting


Orignal From: Lunarpages Review,Lunarpages Domain Transfer Completed

Lunarpages Affiliates Program,Lunarpages Review

A little introduction to lunarpages affiliate program. Lunarpages is offering $65 dollar per new customer refered by you as an affiliate. This sales comission is only valid for lunarpages new customers only, and they are not signup lunarpages before this. Something like a introduction comission. You refer a fresh customer to lunarpages, and you got rewarded. This also meaning that you can only earning one time from the same customer you refering to lunarpages.

The commission is not to be transfer to as hosting fee, and use to clear payment for next year etc. Its not allow. Meaning you can only wait for the paycheck for the commission earned. In common, the account you refer to lunarpages must stay active for more than 30 days, then only your commission will be paid to you. Something like fraud preventive from lunarpages affiliate program.

Beware of hosting rebates, small individuals that offering you huge rebates money for the signup through them. I had seen few that promised a $60 dollar for the $65 he going to get. Fact is that, many hosting rebates website is dead, and the owner fleed away after few months of scamming people. This is misuse of the sales commission. The easiest way to catch those, is that they are not updating their websites, the sites are abandon etc, and the features of the hosting plan publish at their webpages is outdated. Meaning those websites are already gone, and the rebates promised will never reach you at the end of the day.

Note that lunarpages may hold the payment longer than 30 days. Its very common case in affiliate program, where the merchant can hold the payment for more than 30 days. And when you come across rebate provider offering you a 30 days guarantee rebates… most likely they are not experience in the field, just some newbies or kids maybe.

A big advantage of lunarpages affiliate program is the use of cookies tracking. Meaning you may not lost of sales. And if the customer signup later, and the cookies can be tracked, you will be rewarded.

I rate this affiliate program 3.5 stars out of 5.

Each affiliate program had its pros and cond, good or bad. Enough sucks talking about lunarpages affiliate and abuse from websites that promoting lunarpages. However there is little few real rebates company, and not to mention here. I had seen that there is 1 or two of them that is really good one, and the sites is updated all times, and the provider is really honest. I will trade with those websites instead.

Signup lunarpages and lunarpages affiliates today to start earning the $65 as well.
You can signup lunarpages with coupon code 25offhosting and get extra $25 off from shared hosting that you order.


Orignal From: Lunarpages Affiliates Program,Lunarpages Review

Lunarpages affiliate program review,Lunarpages Affiliate

I had been many months reviewing lunarpages hosting and also reviewing the lunarpages affiliate program. Lunarpages affiliate program payout at $65 per sales and $5 dollars per second tier referral sales.

After 19 months joining lunarpages affiliate program and refering sales to lunarpages hosting, i had many good and bad experience with lunarpages affiliates program. Firstly, the $65 dollars payout is average, not the best bargain online. The second tier referral program don't work for me… its common to see lots of second tier sales flushing for affiliate program in general, but not for this lunarpages second tier affiliate program.. they really failed to perform. Reason unknow, my guess is that there might be some problem with their second tier tracking system or payout system.

As the $65 per sales is generally low, but if you can refering over 100 sales per month, you can apply for incentive and increase your payout to over $100 per sales. Which is much better.

Many months ago, lunarpages affiliate program does offering customization of lunarpages coupon code for its affiliate member, but you are require to hit certain sales level to entitle for these custom lunarpages coupon. You can email to lunarpages affiliate manager to request for these, their affiliate manager is easy to reach and very friendly person. That is a good affiliate program support.


Orignal From: Lunarpages affiliate program review,Lunarpages Affiliate

Lunarpages Review,Lunarpages affiliate program rules and requirement

If you are thinking to join lunarpages hosting affiliate program and start earning commission by refering your friends or your customers to lunarpages, its better if you spend a minutes to understand the rules and requirement imposed by the lunarpages affiliate program.

Following are the rules and must be in place for this to be a qualified lunarpages sales commission:

  • All sales are verified prior to approval.  A sale is not complete until after this occurs and the account is set up.

  • An account must be active for 30 days in order to qualify.  Any account canceling prior to this will be automatically removed from your commissions.

  • No internal sales are allowed.  An account must be ordered with billing information that does not match the affiliate's information.
    Above are the requirements for the successful sign up and you will be paid $65 dollars for each sales referred. You can sign up lunarpages for $4.95/mth (promotion price)… and get started today!


Orignal From: Lunarpages Review,Lunarpages affiliate program rules and requirement

Lunarpages Review,Lunarpages affiliate offering you more income option

Lunarpages had recently added few addon feature to their cpanel control panel, this includes the latest help desk service from TremenDesk and Lunarpages quicksite. Lunarpagesreview.org is hosting with lunarpages and using their cpanel too. These addon product allows you to extend your web hosting feature. And the good news is that, these addon product is available for lunarpages affiliate sales commission too. When you refer customer to lunarpages and signup to quicksite or tremendesk help desk, you are entitle for lunarpages affiliate commission. Lunarpages hosting is now $4.95 per month, no lunarpages coupon require, its very affordable, bet you can get your friend and customers to switch to lunarpages hosting.

  • Lunarpages Basic, Business, Windows, and lunarpages VPS Sales = $65 per sale

  • Lunarpages multiple level affiliate sales = $5 per sale

  • TremenDesk Hosted Help Desk Sales = $65 per sale

  • Lunarpages Quicksite Sales = $75 per sale

  • Lunarpages Dedicated Server Sales = $180 per sale


Orignal From: Lunarpages Review,Lunarpages affiliate offering you more income option


Fastdomain hosting free website checker & analysis

Fastdomain hosting are offering this free website checker tool that you can use to analyze your website in details. You can access this free website checker tool from fastdomain cpanel. Use this website analysis tool to determine your website Search engine optimization for google, yahoo, bing and other search engines. Compare your website with yout other online competitor and know your competitve. Free submission tools and tips are provided as well, and you can get more traffic from these free tools.

This free website checker tool is come free in your fastdomain hosting account. You can signup fastdomain at discount price now at $3.95 per month only, follow this $3.95 fastdomain discount link!

fastdomain free website checker


Orignal From: Fastdomain hosting free website checker & analysis

Fastdomain Review,Fastdomain hosting offering toll free number for your business

Fastdomain hosting cpanel is now with new partner tool. Previously, we introduce a few seo tools and website analysis tool provided by fastdomain web hosting. Now, there is new partner program in fastdomain cpanel. The new toll free number service for your online business. You can now subscribe the 1-800 toll free number for your business, and offering phone support to your customers. And its with fax send and receive feature as well. No contract signing, no hardware to buy, and the toll free number is also with auto attendent feature. Start from $9.99 per month.

Fastdomain special promo price is $3.95 per month, and its with few SEO tools and business tools that you can use to benefit your online business.

Fastdomain hosting cpanel


Orignal From: Fastdomain Review,Fastdomain hosting offering toll free number for your business


PowWeb Review,Powweb Logo design & Logo maker for your website

Need a logo for your Website, business, organization? Powweb has partnered with two great design companies and they are LogoWorks and LogoMaker. Both of them are very popular to provides a quick and affordable service approach to logo design. LogoMaker and LogoWorks has their similar features.

LogoMaker allows you to do it yourself (DIY) and customize a logo yourself which it has over 10,000 designs for you to choose from, and customize colors and fronts, experiment with different looks, prices  are start at $79 only. Whereas, LogoWorks is the world's most trusted small business graphic design provider that provide you with a custom designed website, free design consultation, a professional designer will design for you and you can choose from up to 2 designers. Many large and popular companies are using LogoWorks to design their logo such as Toyota, Disney, T-mobile and more.

For more information, Click here and Go to Powweb.com website


Orignal From: PowWeb Review,Powweb Logo design & Logo maker for your website

Powweb Site Backups and Restore

Today after two weeks this blog is running at powweb hosting, its time to get serious to business, and secure the site. I mean make sure the data is safe and backup. I dont want to lost it, when server crash etc. Not that in shared hosting environment, anything disaster could happen. Its adviced that you do backup of your website daily or weekly. I choose to backup weekly on my blog hosted with powweb. Not much updates per week. Its fine with me.

Login to powweb OPS, and under the website management, you will see the site backups and restore. Click on it. Powweb Site Backups and Restore tool allows you to restore files from PowWeb's system backups. You have the option of restoring files automatically by replacing your current files with the backed-up versions or downloading them and restoring your content manually.

PowWeb's system backups are only kept for a few days. So, you are adviced to backup your websites locally and keep a good archieve of it. This will be useful when you need to restore your websites. One problem is that you can not use the backup and restore tools to restore SQL databases. Meaning you have to take a trip to phpmyadmin to do the database importing.

I ticked on the htdocs/ folder and click the download zip archieve on the bottom. After that i was prompt with a "siteBackups" documents, and asked to save it locally. This backup is directly, and not need to wait or email to me thing as we see in cpanel backup tools. The zip backups start downloading and done in short time. My site is not big, so backup is easier. I keep this backup at my local Pc, and the backup job is done.

Powweb is a good $5.77 hosting plan with  300GB storage space.
Signup Powweb today.. go to Powweb.com


Orignal From: Powweb Site Backups and Restore

PowWeb downtime detected today

10 minutes ago, i receive email from serviceuptime.com, a uptime monitoring services that i subscribed to monitor the website uptime. This powweb review blog is hosted with powweb.com, and its a demo or test site for me to monitor the uptime level. Following are the downtime details and downtime location:

Down Time: 20/08/2007 07:55:37 (GMT-08:00)
Atlanta, GA, United States (
San Jose, CA, United States (

When i visited this powweb review blog, its appear to be running. If the powweb server down, i will need to initiate live chat with powweb support to get it fix instantly. Seem like only the route between atlanta and san jose only having problem. And i guess the dowtime is not global or caused at the powweb server site. To confirm this, i did a tracert to powwebreview.org, and able to reach it as well. So, this is mainly the ISP downtime.

As i said long time before, this powweb review will cover the good and bad of powweb hosting plan. And now, its covering more that that...  the ISP as well. Have to keep the scope smaller i guess.

Go to Powweb.com


Orignal From: PowWeb downtime detected today
