
Lunarpages Affiliates Program,Lunarpages Review

A little introduction to lunarpages affiliate program. Lunarpages is offering $65 dollar per new customer refered by you as an affiliate. This sales comission is only valid for lunarpages new customers only, and they are not signup lunarpages before this. Something like a introduction comission. You refer a fresh customer to lunarpages, and you got rewarded. This also meaning that you can only earning one time from the same customer you refering to lunarpages.

The commission is not to be transfer to as hosting fee, and use to clear payment for next year etc. Its not allow. Meaning you can only wait for the paycheck for the commission earned. In common, the account you refer to lunarpages must stay active for more than 30 days, then only your commission will be paid to you. Something like fraud preventive from lunarpages affiliate program.

Beware of hosting rebates, small individuals that offering you huge rebates money for the signup through them. I had seen few that promised a $60 dollar for the $65 he going to get. Fact is that, many hosting rebates website is dead, and the owner fleed away after few months of scamming people. This is misuse of the sales commission. The easiest way to catch those, is that they are not updating their websites, the sites are abandon etc, and the features of the hosting plan publish at their webpages is outdated. Meaning those websites are already gone, and the rebates promised will never reach you at the end of the day.

Note that lunarpages may hold the payment longer than 30 days. Its very common case in affiliate program, where the merchant can hold the payment for more than 30 days. And when you come across rebate provider offering you a 30 days guarantee rebates… most likely they are not experience in the field, just some newbies or kids maybe.

A big advantage of lunarpages affiliate program is the use of cookies tracking. Meaning you may not lost of sales. And if the customer signup later, and the cookies can be tracked, you will be rewarded.

I rate this affiliate program 3.5 stars out of 5.

Each affiliate program had its pros and cond, good or bad. Enough sucks talking about lunarpages affiliate and abuse from websites that promoting lunarpages. However there is little few real rebates company, and not to mention here. I had seen that there is 1 or two of them that is really good one, and the sites is updated all times, and the provider is really honest. I will trade with those websites instead.

Signup lunarpages and lunarpages affiliates today to start earning the $65 as well.
You can signup lunarpages with coupon code 25offhosting and get extra $25 off from shared hosting that you order.


Orignal From: Lunarpages Affiliates Program,Lunarpages Review

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