Question by mcrazypetdude: How do I get more people to feed themselves and their pets a healthy and natural diet?
I am the owner of a small, independent health food store for pets.
I have been in pet foods for twenty years.
I find more information every day through reading and on-line research about how we are poisoning ourselves and our pets.
We Americans are the most technically advanced and over all wealthy group on the planet. We also are the sickest!
Best answer:
Answer by cherryblossmgrl685
I wish I knew the answer to your question. I was just thinking about that last night. Too many people are just too lazy or uninformed about the dangers they're putting themselves and their families in. I think a lot more people are interested in a more organic lifestyle now than ever though, so that's a step I suppose. And I am just a waitress, but I can afford to eat smart. It's not that expensive, most grocery stores now carry organic foods at a good price.
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