Question by Lauren G: Why do my chia pets only grow seedlings on certain parts?
This is the fourth time I have planted chia seeds on my chia pets and for some reason this time they are only growing on certain parts. I rotate, water, and mist them daily. I have always grown them in the fall and winter; could it be something with the season?
Best answer:
Answer by windgate
Possibly it is the way that you spread them on. It is not an easy task to get them completely even. Some of the tiny seeds tend to clump together. Also they may sprout first in the most environmentally friendly part of the Chia. For example: Part of your Chia may have a slightly different temp than another area on the Chia. Also different parts may be getting slightly different light. Certain areas may hold water more than others. All of this plays a role in the growing process of your Chia. Eventually if one part takes off well, chances are the rest will spread the way it was meant to. Patience is a virtue I often don't have. I hope this info is of help.
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