Question by Chaz: How do you introduced a new cat to a excisting one?
I currently have a 2 year old female cat. I have got a new 4 month old female cat today. How do I introduce them best?
My current Cat does not go out side. She is an indoor cat. She has come into contact with other cats before (at old home she went outside) She just hissed at them and the other cat would tend to leave her alone.
So what is the best way to introduce the new cat to Fluff?
Best answer:
Answer by Lil Shay
first the new cat needs to get use to the surrounding so u may have ot put the other cat in a room and keep her there. then after the new cat gets use to the surrounding then let the other cat out and keep ur eye on them. if need to be bring both togather so hold the new cat in ur arms and let them sniff each other so if some thing was to go wrong u can pull them away from each other right away
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