Question by RayRay1284: How do I discourage cats from walking on my car?
Every week someone's cat walks all over the hood of my car which I just cleaned. The cat leaves their paw prints all over the hood of my expensive car. I have nothing against cats but I always have to clean my car a lot since of this. Is there some sort of scented car wash that will discourage the cat from walking on my car? I have a feeling that the cat likes to sit on my car because it's warm on the hood.
Best answer:
Answer by heather l
we put garlic and cheyenne pepper in our trash and they stay out of it but tear up everyone else's on the block. i don't know if you can take one or the other or both and mix them with water and spray it around your car? someone else I'm sure has a better idea than that but thought it might help.
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