Question by ♥A♥: How do you get a dog to stop attacking a cat?
We have had my dog for almost 3 years now and we had the cat before we got the dog. My dog never leaves the cat alone. We have to keep the cat's litter box behind a chair in the living room because he is too scared to leave the room and go to the bathroom because the dog pins him to the floor whenever he moves in the dog's sight. Even when my cat is just sitting on a chair sleeping my dog will go over to it and bite it or hit it with it's paw. How do I make my dog leave my cat alone? We have had this problem for almost 3 years now and nothing we do works. My cat should be able to roam the house freely just like everyone else but he cant. He has to wait until the dog is asleep just to walk around or go eat.
We do yell at her every time she does it. We do hit her whenever she bites the cat and we can't seperate them.
My dog is not playing when he does this to my cat. He really bites and hits the cat. He also barks and growls at the cat. You can tell my dog is not happy and playful when she does this. She sometimes puts her whole body on top of the cat and pins the cat down to the floor and then puts the cats whole head inside her mouth.
Best answer:
Answer by Your_Star
separate them, or yell 'no' at your dog really loud.
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