
How can I get my dogs to get along better?

Question by blakbutterfli: How can I get my dogs to get along better?
They don't fight or anything like that. My oldest dog (2 1/2 year old Boston Terrierr) lets my new puppy ( 2 month old Jack Russel Terrier) basically dominate him.

She nips at him, chews on his toys and chases him all over the house and our yard. I guess I figured since he is the older dog, was in the house first and is male, he would be the dominant dog. But, she is dominating him. My male dog is fairly passive and will not bark at her, or nip/bite her. I am unsure if I should do anything or just let "dogs be dogs" and let them work it out.

I guess I feel my male dog, seeing as how we got him first, should be the dominant dog. But maybe not.

Best answer:

Answer by SmileyDude783
the best way is to have them spend more time together.

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