
I have Webkinz Trading cards and I have been trying to adopt a pet.Isthere there a secret code on those?Where?

Question by sally w: I have Webkinz Trading cards and I have been trying to adopt a pet.Isthere there a secret code on those?Where?
I just bought Webkinz Trading cards yesterday and I've been trying to adopt the pets I have. Is there even a secret code on the cards? If there is, where?
I have Webkinz Trading cards and I have been trying to adopt a pet. Is there a secret code on those? If there is, where?

Best answer:

Answer by cutey me
I think there is a secret code on it but i dont know exactly where. Best of luck*!*

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Orignal From: I have Webkinz Trading cards and I have been trying to adopt a pet.Isthere there a secret code on those?Where?

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