
Introducing the Yorkshire Terrier Dog

There must be a lot of things worth to know about the Yorkshire Terrier dogs but what are the most relevant and where can they be found? In the case that you want to buy a dog of this breed, or of any other breed in fact, you should consider all its physical and temperamental features in order to make sure this dog is suitable for you and your family, especially if you have children. Reading this article will bring you a good part of the information you are looking about the Yorkshire Terrier dogs and you may also learn about some other great features of this breed.

General Appearance And The Coat Of The Yorkshire Terrier Dogs

Whether you like it or not, one of the most important information about dogs are related to the length of their coat and, in the case of a Yorkshire Terrier, we must tell you it is a very long coat, that needs a lot of time to clean and to maintain. Knowing these things and trying to reduce the time and effort with constant brushing of this coat, many owners prefer to cut it short, but there are also others who are keeping the coat natural length. They are the type of owners who use their Yorkies as show dogs or in dog competitions, because in such contests, a Yorkshire Terrier without its long coat is not a Yorkshire Terrier.

Some Tips Related To The Yorkshire Terrier Dogs Health

There are some important information a future owner of a Yorkshire Terrier dog should know about their possible health problems, including those genetically related. Some of the most common health disorders are concerning their eyes, especially in elderly ages, the most frequent disease being cataracts. Yorkies are not the only Terrier breed affected by this disease, because we are speaking about a genetic trait characteristic for all the Terrier breeds.

And this is not the only disease caused by the genes which affect the health of a Yorkshire Terrier. They can develop the liver shunt, a disorder in which the blood bypasses the liver. That means the liver can no more disperse the toxins carried by the blood and the results are a lot of health complications.

Another disorder that affects Yorkshire Terriers, mainly when they are puppies is hypoglycemia. This is a blood disorder that tends to decrease the overall energy capacity of a puppy, it can result in death unless it is treated immediately.

As a compensation, the owners of Yorkshire Terrier dogs must not concern about arthritis, a disease commonly affecting dogs of a larger size. The cases of arthritis are very rare among Yorkies, at any stage of their live, due to the fact they are dogs of a small frame.

You have found in here only few of the most important health disorders an Yorkshire Terrier dog can be affected of due to some recessive genes inherited from the Terrier breeds' ancestors. You should, of course, learn more in order to make the right decision when looking to buy such a dog. And you will also find a lot more information about their origin and history and breed traits.

Many owners caress their Yorkshire Terrier dogs naming them Yorkies. Hypoglycemia, liver shunt or cataracts are due to some inherited recesive genes. The good news for Yorkies health is that they are less likely to suffer from arthritis.

Orignal From: Introducing the Yorkshire Terrier Dog

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