
Training A Young Dog To Have Pleasant Behavior Using Puppy Training Techniques

To make a puppy to have good character it should be made to undergo puppy training. Various methodologies are used to train young canines. One method involves using aggressive techniques will another involves using friendly techniques. A puppy should have an admirable behavior and additionally be a social dog.

Using rewards is the best technique of instilling good behavior in a dog. In this technique, the canine will be rewarded when it exercises good behavior. Rewards are usually food based. The canine that shows consistent good behavior should be given a sumptuous treat.

Rewards can also be non- food items. These will include patting the dog on the head and praising the puppy when it shows good behavior. Some dogs will be encouraged by a pat just as other dogs are encouraged by tasty snack.

Puppies that don't appreciate friendly treatment may need some harsh words. Some small harshness time and again during training may actually work in some dogs. However, some dogs will start develop anti-social behavior when treated in a harsh way. Anti-social behavior includes shyness, hyper aggressiveness and timidity.

Formal instruction techniques equip dogs with skills that make them to have decent behaviors. Descent behavior includes having descent toilet going behavior. A dog needs to be trained to go for toilet in specific places and not in all places of a house or a compound.

A dog should also respond to commands such as lay down, wait, sit and stay. There are very many methods that can be used to instill these commands to a canine. Some puppies can be easily trained to respond to basic commands while some puppies cannot be easily trained. Young puppies that are less than 8 weeks old are easy to train than old puppies. The technique to be used will depend on a puppy's age. Irrespective of the technique used, one will have to exercise patience and dedication when instructing a canine. Patience will definitely be required when dealing with puppies that are very aggressive and have anti-social behavior. Such puppies will make repeated mistakes. The trainer should continue reinforcing good behavior even if a canine refuses to adopt such behavior.

After an instruction session is over, puppies should be allowed to play with other puppies. This will help a canine to interact with other canines and know the other canines. Playtime will also help it to burn calories stored in its body. Puppies usually have a lot of energy stored in their bodies. By interacting with other dogs, it will be well socialized. A socialized dog will interact well with animals and humans without being aggressive or unnecessarily frightened.

Puppy training techniques are needed to make a canine to be well mannered and social. A well mannered dog will not litter the compound with waste and will respond quickly to commands. A socialized dog will interact freely with animals and humans without feeling frightened.

It is almost never too early to start simple puppy training. When your pet is older, you may need to choose professional dog training to get the best level of obedience out of your pet.

Orignal From: Training A Young Dog To Have Pleasant Behavior Using Puppy Training Techniques

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