
How can I test if my Male cat would like a female friend?

Question by ransom3838: How can I test if my Male cat would like a female friend?
My cat loves people but I work 40 hours a week and would like to get him a friend.
I'm pretty sure he hates all Male cats. When the Neighbors male cat comes to the sliding glass door my cat attacks the glass trying to get at the other cat.

But I think he might be ok and even like a Female cat. But how do I test this? I would hate to have to take a cat back to the pound.

I got him from the humane society at 5 years old, declawed in front. For all I know he has always been an only cat and likes it that way. But I feel bad when he is home alone.
Yes I would only get another declawed cat. Already declawed that is. I would not have that done to a cat but if I can find one that needs a home then thats great.
Yes he is fixed and any cat I would get would be fixed as well.

Best answer:

Answer by Sydney Marie
Well since hes declawed you have to be careful if you get another cat because if they fight he would get hurt but you can always go to a animal shelter and check out some female cats and the cat and your cat in one room can see if they get along if they do then get it. Cats do get lonely and not like dogs who sleep all day and look out the window and bark at people when your gone. I think getting another cat is a great idea. Just see how he does with a cat that he can pick out. I hope he is neutered first.

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