
What is the age of most pet store chinchillas?

Question by keℓsey<3: What is the age of most pet store chinchillas?
Like at PetCo or PetSmart. I don't want to spend all my time looking for a breeder with much more money to pay when I can just go to a store. But I say, yeah sure if you want to spend way more money and all your time looking for one to then find out you don't like it! But pet stores let you hold them before you buy them, and they have other pets if you don't like their chinchilla. But at breeders you can't just pay the money then hold it there and say that you don't like it and go to another isle like pet stores! Point proven. So now I have to say after knowing the price of most, what is the age of most?

Best answer:

Answer by starryhalo22
Chinchilla personalities are determined during their first month of age. They need to be handled and petted frequently after they are born or they will grow up aloof and aggressive. An ideal age to purchase them is 10 weeks of age. Check both the parents and the youngster for problems before you become attached to a Chinchilla. Be cautious of watery or pasty eyes, drooling (tooth alignment problems), wool pulling or missing areas of fur. I prefer to buy directly from a breeder I trust or one who willingly supplies me with satisfied contacts who have purchased her animals. Most of the problem animals I see were purchased through pet stores. Common problems I see in pet store purchased chinchillas are wool pulling due to boredom and stress and malocclusion due to improper diet and genetics. Aggression is a problem in animals not socialized to people at a young enough age.

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