
Why does my cat hates when i pet her in her side?

Question by Disoriented: Why does my cat hates when i pet her in her side?
My cat loves attention, she can't live without it, so i always give her attention and talk to her. She loves getting pet, but she hates it if i pet her side, whenever she plays with my husband she gets pissed off if he slightly accidently touches her thigh.

Is their certain spots where cats hate being petted?
I just thought it was odd, and wondered if alot of cat's had that same spot. Same with her tail. She is the sweetest so it doesn't have to do with trust issues, honestly i don't think she could trust anymore :) when i take her to the vet and she gets her shots, i hold her, and she stays calm even though she wants to kill the nurse.

I'll just show my furry ball because i think it's always cute to see than have a mental image of the little cat that hates her sides touched!

Best answer:

Answer by the black hand
she or he don't like it

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